The Benny Hill Show (1969)
The Benny Hill Show is a British comedy television show that starred Benny Hill and aired in various incarnations between 15 January 1955 and 30 May 1991 in over 140 countries. The show focused on sketches that were full of slapstick, mime, parody, and double-entendre. Thames Television cancelled production of the show in 1989 due to declining ratings and large production costs at £450,000 per show.
Episode 1 - The Bionic Baby
Release Date: 1977-01-261.Benny's Ballad: Bianca Malone 2.The Sum Awards 3.Benny's Commercial Bloopers 4.Continental Cabaret with Diana Darvey 5.Pets: A Poem by Pam Ayres 6.Nor Iron Bars A Cage...! 7.Peter Seymour: New Political Correspondent 8.Reflections: Your Love Lifts Me Higher 9.Bionic Baby 10.Closing: Jackie Wright Goes Body-Building
Episode 2 - Villain of the Year
Release Date: 1977-02-231.Eskimo Nell: A Monologue 2.Benny Quickie: Candid Camera 3.Villain Of The Year 4.Zipper Martin: Quick Change Artist 5.The Reluctant Bridegroom 6.Love Machine: Think of the Boys 7.Victorian Scandals 8.Love Machine and The Flash! 9.Double Date 10.Scouts Guides Annual Fete 11.Closing: Scouts Guides
Episode 3 - A Packed Program
Release Date: 1977-03-231.A Packed Program! 2.Husky Starch 3.Casanova 4.Benny Blooper: Double Bed 5.Benny Accompanies Dilys Watling: Fever 6.Show-Jumping 7.A Feast On The Beach 8.Deep In My Heart on Television in Wide-Screen 9.Benny Quickie: Peeping Tom 10.Girls, Girls, Girls... 11.Benny's Commercial Blooper 12.Westminster Follies 13.Chinese Package Tours 14.The Milk Marketing Board 15.Closing: Credits