The Benny Hill Show (1969)
The Benny Hill Show is a British comedy television show that starred Benny Hill and aired in various incarnations between 15 January 1955 and 30 May 1991 in over 140 countries. The show focused on sketches that were full of slapstick, mime, parody, and double-entendre. Thames Television cancelled production of the show in 1989 due to declining ratings and large production costs at £450,000 per show.
Episode 1 - WonderGran Meets Dr Jackal and Mr Hide
Release Date: 1981-01-071.Benny Quickie: Five Minutes! 2.Benny's Ballad: Maria 3.The Loser 4.Michael Caine: Not A Lot Of People Know That 5.Circus Clown 6.Benny Quickie: Bust Or Bus! 7.Meeting People With Henry McGee: Gaston Le Clerc 8.Runaway with Hill's Angels 9.Benny Quickies: Disappointments 10.Wondergran Meets Dr. Jackal & Mr. Hyde 11.Close: Wondergran Chase
Episode 2 - A Tribute to the Lower Tidmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade
Release Date: 1981-02-111.Benny Quickie: Crow's Feet 2.Benny's Ballad: Down On The Farm 3.A Tribute To The Lower Tidmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade 4.Channel Surfing 5.Benny's Monologue: Castaway 6.The Poster Girl 7.Benny Quickie: Camera Shy 8.Down The Road with Hill's Angels a. Keep Young & Beautiful b. An Occasional Man c. Ease On Down The Road 9.Undercover Sanitary Inspector 10.Bus Stop She-Hulk 11.Close: She-Hulk Chase
Episode 3 - Big Poppa
Release Date: 1981-03-251.Benny Quickie: Religious Football 2.Benny's Ballad: The Lovely Girls From Crete 3.Benny Quickies: Whatever The Weather! 4.The Georgian Dancers 5.Friends To Tea with Henry McGee 6.Big Poppa 7.News At Ten 8.Remote Control Hill's Angels 9.Man Wanted 10.Close: Man Wanted Chase