The Benny Hill Show (1969)
The Benny Hill Show is a British comedy television show that starred Benny Hill and aired in various incarnations between 15 January 1955 and 30 May 1991 in over 140 countries. The show focused on sketches that were full of slapstick, mime, parody, and double-entendre. Thames Television cancelled production of the show in 1989 due to declining ratings and large production costs at £450,000 per show.
Episode 1 - The B-Team
Release Date: 1985-01-021.Benny Quickie: Two Saxophones! 2.Benny Quickies: Telly Antics 3.School Teacher: Homework Howlers and a History Lesson 4.Brand Names 5.Benny Quickies: Cheeky Girls 6.Sauce at Benito's 7.The B-Team 8.B-Team Chase
Episode 2 - For Ever Love
Release Date: 1985-04-081.Benny Quickie: Just Married 2.Benny's Ballad: What a World 3.Bill Posters 4.Benny Quickies: A Big Hand!/Flowers/Sleeping Pills 5.For Ever Love 6.School Mistress: Female for Male 7.Hill's Angels: Oddball's Club Cabaret 8.Fred Scuttle: In Dependent Cinema 9.Hullo Sailor 10.Close: Rocket Launch
Episode 3 - Carmen
Release Date: 1985-05-271.Benny Quickies: Cheeky Birds! 2.Benny's Ballad: Costa Coco 3.The Weather Hut 4.Benny Quickie: Religious Intervention 5.The Lover 6.Benny Quickie: Jury Service 7.Carmen 8.Benny Quickie: Cheeky Birds 2! 9.Dibbles Health Farm 10.Health Farm Chase