CBS Schoolbreak Special (1984)
CBS Schoolbreak Special is an American anthology series for teenagers that aired on CBS from April 1980 to January 1996. The series began under the title CBS Afternoon Playhouse, and was changed during the 1984 - 85 season. The concept was very similar to ABC's Afterschool Special.
Episode 1 - Frog Girl: The Jenifer Graham Story
Release Date: 1989-10-17A 15-year old school girl refuses to dissect a frog and sues her school district for not allowing her to do an alternative project.
Episode 2 - Flour Babies
Release Date: 1990-01-16A group of high school students take part in a parenting class where their assignment is to treat a sack of flour like a new-born baby.
Episode 3 - The Girl with the Crazy Brother
Release Date: 1990-01-30Teenage girl struggles to cope when her brother is diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia.
Episode 4 - American Eyes
Release Date: 1990-03-27Korean boy, who has been adopted by an American family, decides to attend a Korean-American summer camp to learn more about his heritage.
Episode 5 - Maggie's Secret
Release Date: 1990-04-1015-year-old girl comes to grips with the fact both of her parents have a drinking problem.
Episode 6 - Malcolm Takes a Shot
Release Date: 1990-04-24Teenage athlete is in denial about his epilepsy, as he tries to achieve super-stardom on the basketball court.