CBS Schoolbreak Special (1984)
CBS Schoolbreak Special is an American anthology series for teenagers that aired on CBS from April 1980 to January 1996. The series began under the title CBS Afternoon Playhouse, and was changed during the 1984 - 85 season. The concept was very similar to ABC's Afterschool Special.
Season 11 Episode List
Episode 1 - Other Mothers
Release Date: 1993-10-12Teenage boy, who has been raised by a lesbian couple, must contend with the conservative views of his new school.
Episode 2 - If I Die Before I Wake
Release Date: 1993-10-26High school students are left to pick up the pieces when the entire track team is killed in an airplane crash.
Episode 3 - Love in the Dark Ages
Release Date: 1994-03-08A teenager is stunned to discover that her boyfriend has given her an STD.
Episode 4 - Same Difference
Release Date: 1994-04-12Two teens from different cultural backgrounds face opposition from their parents when they begin to date.