CBS Schoolbreak Special (1984)
CBS Schoolbreak Special is an American anthology series for teenagers that aired on CBS from April 1980 to January 1996. The series began under the title CBS Afternoon Playhouse, and was changed during the 1984 - 85 season. The concept was very similar to ABC's Afterschool Special.
Episode 1 - No Means No
Release Date: 1988-10-18The issue of teenage date rape is seen through the eyes of a teenage girl and her older brother, and how it affects their relationships with the opposite sex.
Episode 2 - Gambler
Release Date: 1988-12-0617-year-old boy is addicted to gambling, and soon it starts to take over his life.
Episode 3 - Words to Live By
Release Date: 1989-01-10Two teenage boys are suspended from school after distributing an underground newspaper on campus.
Episode 4 - My Past is My Own
Release Date: 1989-01-24Two black teenagers are sent through time to experience how blacks were treated during the civil rights movement.
Episode 5 - 15 and Getting Straight
Release Date: 1989-03-28Drug-addiction treatment center for teenagers where the counselors are ex-addicts themselves.
Episode 6 - A Matter of Conscience
Release Date: 1989-04-11Teenage boy is stunned when his Grandfather's Nazi past comes to light.