Hawaii Five-O (1968)
Hawaii Five-O is an American police procedural drama series produced by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. Set in Hawaii, the show originally aired for 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980, and continues in reruns. Jack Lord portrayed Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the head of a special state police task force which was based on an actual unit that existed under martial law in the 1940s. The theme music composed by Morton Stevens became especially popular. Many episodes would end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!", sometimes specifying a charge such as "murder one".
Episode 1 - Nine Dragons (1)
Release Date: 1976-09-30When Wo Fat steals toxins in an attempt to take out the leaders of Communist China, McGarrett must track him to Hong Kong.
Episode 2 - Nine Dragons (2)
Release Date: 1976-09-30In Hong Kong, Steve is caught by Wo Fat and mentally and physically tortured by being 'reconditioned'. He must beat these problems to save the day again.
Episode 3 - Assault On The Palace
Release Date: 1976-10-07McGarrett must solve a daring bank robbery committed during the King Kamehameha Day Parade under the cover of a historic re-enactment.
Episode 4 - Oldest Profession -- Latest Price
Release Date: 1976-10-14The murder of island prostitutes seems to be linked to an extortion racketeer who is determined to make a return...
Episode 5 - Man On Fire
Release Date: 1976-10-21Five bodies are found in the crater of Mauna Loa contaminated by radiation from illegal plutonium, and Five-O must find and confiscate this deadly toxin.
Episode 6 - Tour De Force, Killer Aboard
Release Date: 1976-10-28Two seemingly unconnected deaths lead McGarrett into a desperate race to prevent the assassination of a visiting Sheikh.
Episode 7 - The Last Of The Great Paperhangers
Release Date: 1976-11-04A masterful forger plans a massive robbery of Navy funds, and McGarrett is made to look rather inept...
Episode 8 - Heads, You're Dead
Release Date: 1976-11-11When yacht racers are found dead on their craft, Five-O launches a desperate search for high-seas buccaneers.
Episode 9 - Let Death Do Us Part
Release Date: 1976-11-18A escaped convict may well have a strong case of innocence, when Five-O become involved in the paranormal...
Episode 10 - Double Exposure
Release Date: 1976-12-02A press photographer is pursued relentlessly after she takes a photo of a supposedly dead gangster who has returned to the islands to take control of the local syndicate.
Episode 11 - Yes, My Deadly Daughter
Release Date: 1976-12-16When $10 million goes missing from a crimelord, the culprit seems to be dangerously close to home...
Episode 12 - Target -- A Cop
Release Date: 1976-12-23Police are being lured into traps and shot, and Five-O have difficulty nailing a suspect when their primary lead turns out to be a paraplegic.
Episode 13 - The Bells Toll At Noon
Release Date: 1977-01-06The boyfriend of an overdose victim re-enacts famous film murders in a revenge on all the people he sees as responsible.
Episode 14 - Man In A Steel Frame
Release Date: 1977-01-13McGarrett is the top suspect in the murder of his girlfriend, and the evidence against him is seemingly overwhelming...
Episode 15 - Ready, Aim.....
Release Date: 1977-01-20Five-O must work with a Japanese officer to find the source of handsguns that are flooding the black market in Tokyo.
Episode 16 - Elegy In A Rain Forest
Release Date: 1977-01-27The daughter of Attorney General John Manicote is kidnapped by a deranged rapist and murderer, and Steve must not only contend with the criminal but Manicote's emotional state as well...
Episode 17 - Dealer's Choice -- Blackmail
Release Date: 1977-02-03A hit and run incident leads Five-O to a gambling syndicate and Officer Welles's brother.
Episode 18 - A Capitol Crime
Release Date: 1977-02-17A pensioner threatens to blow himself and his hostages up if he doesn't stop the demolition of his home.
Episode 19 - To Die In Paradise
Release Date: 1977-02-24A lady singer is kidnapped and it looks as if she and her captors have died at sea.
Episode 20 - Blood Money Is Hard To Wash
Release Date: 1977-03-03A gangster attempts to buy an interest in a football club so that he can launder money through it.
Episode 21 - To Kill A Mind
Release Date: 1977-03-17While searching for parts from a sunken Soviet submarine, McGarrett become suspicious about the particular parts that are being recovered.
Episode 22 - Requiem For A Saddle-Bronc Rider
Release Date: 1977-03-24A missing rodeo cowboy and the murder of a young couple pose a puzzling mystery for Five-O.
Episode 23 - See How She Runs
Release Date: 1977-03-31The daughter of a LA detective and friend of McGarrett is framed for murder and then joins a cult.
Episode 24 - Practical Jokes Can Kill You
Release Date: 1977-05-05A gang of thieves steal army rifles by peculiar means - hang-gliding into the armoury!