Hawaii Five-O (1968)
Hawaii Five-O is an American police procedural drama series produced by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. Set in Hawaii, the show originally aired for 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980, and continues in reruns. Jack Lord portrayed Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the head of a special state police task force which was based on an actual unit that existed under martial law in the 1940s. The theme music composed by Morton Stevens became especially popular. Many episodes would end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!", sometimes specifying a charge such as "murder one".
Episode 1 - Death Is A Company Policy
Release Date: 1972-09-12A local thug, Piro Manoa, is trying to create the impression of corruption in the Five-O force, and Duke is implicated in a murder. McGarrett and the team, with new recruit Ben Kokua, must save Duke's position and work out the plot of the organisation behind the false accusations.
Episode 2 - Death Wish On Tantalus Mountain
Release Date: 1972-09-19When two of a egotistical racing driver's support staff are murdered, suspicions of sabotage fall upon his attractive girlfriend.
Episode 3 - You Don't Have To Kill To Get Rich -- But It Helps.
Release Date: 1972-09-26A private investigator, Sam Tolliver, arrives from Texas to help an old friend who is being blackmailed and is at risk of being killed if he doesn't pay up, but he ends up wanting to become part of the blackmail operation.
Episode 4 - Pig In A Blanket
Release Date: 1972-10-03Danno shoots an apparently armed teenager but finds that he was mistaken, and public opinion and the teen's brother turn against him. McGarrett must act to defuse the potentially explosive situation.
Episode 5 - The Jinn Who Clears The Way
Release Date: 1972-10-10Wo Fat is suspected of being behind the theft of a mobile ICBM device, and McGarrett with other top officials must stop him selling it off to the highest bidder.
Episode 6 - Fools Die Twice
Release Date: 1972-10-17Army computer technician Jack Gulley kidnaps a scientist and then uses a planned heist by three accomplices on a military base to divert Five-O's attention from his sale of the scientist to the highest bidder.
Episode 7 - Chain Of Events
Release Date: 1972-10-24A doctor tracking venereal disease is murdered, and Five-O must track the series of encounters to find out who is a carrier. Their investigation is made doubly important by the murder of a young woman who is close to a upcoming politician. He seems a likely suspect but McGarrett suspects a deeper plot.
Episode 8 - Journey Out Of Limbo
Release Date: 1972-10-31Danno is found in the back of a truck, dazed and confused, and McGarrett and the others must help him piece together how he came to be in that situation.
Episode 9 - 'V' For Vashon: The Son (1)
Release Date: 1972-11-14McGarrett becomes involved with the Vashon mafioso family after the youngest member, Chris, is implicated in a daring raid on a hotel.
Episode 10 - 'V' For Vashon: The Father (2)
Release Date: 1972-11-21McGarrett must contend with Honore Vashon, who wants revenge for his son's death.
Episode 11 - 'V' For Vashon: The Patriarch (3)
Release Date: 1972-11-28Dominick Vashon, the patriarch of the clan, makes his attempt to bring down McGarrett and Five-O.
Episode 12 - The Clock Struck Twelve
Release Date: 1972-12-05When McGarrett arrests a group of vigilante nationalists, hidden bombs at the courthouse threaten to destabilise the islands.
Episode 13 - I'm A Family Crook -- Don't Shoot!
Release Date: 1972-12-19A husband and wife team of scam merchants get caught between some of Hawaii's most powerful mobs.
Episode 14 - The Child Stealers
Release Date: 1973-01-02Two drifters, Gar and Nina, steal children and sell them on to a mainland adoption agency in order to raise the cash to buy a boat and go cruising.
Episode 15 - Thanks For The Honeymoon
Release Date: 1973-01-09McGarrett agrees to let Toni, a tough female convict, get married and have a honeymoon in protective custody as long as she will testify against a local hood.
Episode 16 - The Listener
Release Date: 1973-01-16A crazed electronics wizard threatens the lives of a psychiatrist and his patients by using electronic devices and gadgets.
Episode 17 - Here Today, Gone Tonight
Release Date: 1973-01-23Five-O has a suspect for a murder, but they have one problem. How can the suspect have been in two places at the same time?
Episode 18 - The Odd Lot Caper
Release Date: 1973-01-30A senior partner in a stock exchange firm comes up with a foolproof plan to rob the Honolulu Stock Exchange.
Episode 19 - Will The Real Mr. Winkler Please Die?
Release Date: 1973-02-06McGarrett and company must break through a tissue of lies in order to protect a Russian defector from being killed.
Episode 20 - Little Girl Blue
Release Date: 1973-02-13Two simple criminals kidnap a young girl, and hide out in a bunker at Diamond Head. McGarrett must unravel the reason why they are there and get the girl safely away from them.
Episode 21 - Percentage
Release Date: 1973-02-20A travel agent who operates gambling trips is killed in order to send a warning to others that the syndicates will not tolerate competition.
Episode 22 - Engaged To Be Buried
Release Date: 1973-02-27Chin Ho must face the fact that his daughter, Alia, is in love with the son of a local criminal under investigation, and that she plans to get married to him.
Episode 23 - The Diamond That Nobody Stole
Release Date: 1973-03-06A burglary at the home of a well known island family sets off a series of events that ends in murder.
Episode 24 - Jury Of One
Release Date: 1973-03-13A single person is holding out in a Five-O trial, and McGarrett and the team have to find out who is stalling and why they are doing it.