The League of Gentlemen (1999)
The League of Gentlemen is a British comedy television series that premiered on BBC Two in 1999. The show is set in Royston Vasey, a fictional town in Northern England based on Bacup, Lancashire. It follows the lives of dozens of bizarre townspeople, most of whom are played by three of the show's four writers—Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, and Reece Shearsmith—who, along with Jeremy Dyson, formed the League of Gentlemen comedy troupe in 1995. The series originally aired for three series from 1999 until 2002 followed by a film in 2005. A three-part revival mini-series was broadcast in December 2017 to celebrate the group's 20th anniversary.
- Mark Gatiss
- Steve Pemberton
- Reece Shearsmith
Episode 1 - The Lesbian and the Monkey
Release Date: 2002-09-26Ross springs Pauline from jail--provided she can find evidence to convict Mickey and get him off the Dole.
Episode 2 - The One-Armed Man Is King
Release Date: 2002-10-03Lance bribes hospital disc jockey Mike King to arrange an under-the-counter arm transplant. Meanwhile, Glenn and Barry fail miserably in an attempt to recover outstanding debts.
Episode 3 - Turn Again Geoff Tipps
Release Date: 2002-10-10Geoff is fired from his job and leaves in an attempt to make it as a stand-up comedian in London. There he runs into the Legz Akimbo team and Mike.
Episode 4 - The Medusa Touch
Release Date: 2002-10-17Regular Cast: Mark as Alvin Steele / Les McQueen Steve as Daddy / Nancy Glass / Barbara [voice] / Anne Hand Reese as Noel Glass / Judith Buckle / Terry Lollard B&B proprietors Alvin and Sunny invite their weekend 'Sexplorers' to join them in a voyage of auto-erotic discovery - although Alvin would prefer to be at the garden centre. But who is the mysterious femme fatale in the dwarf conifers and what is the secret of the fearsome 'Medusa'? The Ending: Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen is having a fag with his wig off in the backyard of the Windermere when the white van comes crashing through the wall, sending tons of bricks down on him...
Episode 5 - Beauty and the Beast (Or, Come into My Parlour)
Release Date: 2002-10-24Regular Cast: Mark as Tony / Iris Krell [voice] / Neds / Professor Breastpinch'd Steve as Charlie Hull Reese as Stella Hull / Judee Levinson / Keith Drop CHARLIE & STELLA / MRS LEVINSON: The Hulls' marriage seems to have disintegrated beyond repair and Stella's hooked on playing fruit machines. Meanwhile, Charlie starts working for Judee Levinson at her new beauty salon, the ""Spit and Polish"", doing massages on blindfolded clients, who think it's Judee doing them herself. His healing hands wow the customers, until an old man asks if he can do any ""extras"". Word spreads and the salon is packed with the men of Royston Vasey, blissfully unaware they are being w* off by Charlie. When Tony comes for one of the ""special massages"", Charlie becomes obsessed with him and falls in love with him, eventually telling Tony he's the masseur with the magic hands. Tony is disgusted and the s* hits the fan: Stella wins big on the fruit machines and jets off overseas, and Judee sacks him.
Episode 6 - How The Elephant Got Its Trunk
Release Date: 2002-10-31After a bag is blown out the window of the Charity Shop Vinnie spots it on a country road and sets out in hot pursuit. Papa Lazarou returns and all the series' loose ends are tied up.