The League of Gentlemen (1999)
The League of Gentlemen is a British comedy television series that premiered on BBC Two in 1999. The show is set in Royston Vasey, a fictional town in Northern England based on Bacup, Lancashire. It follows the lives of dozens of bizarre townspeople, most of whom are played by three of the show's four writers—Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, and Reece Shearsmith—who, along with Jeremy Dyson, formed the League of Gentlemen comedy troupe in 1995. The series originally aired for three series from 1999 until 2002 followed by a film in 2005. A three-part revival mini-series was broadcast in December 2017 to celebrate the group's 20th anniversary.
- Mark Gatiss
- Steve Pemberton
- Reece Shearsmith
Episode 1 - Welcome To Royston Vasey
Release Date: 1999-01-11Ben struggles to take in Auntie Val and Uncle Harvey’s incomprehensible house rules, while Martin poses a threat to the precious things in Tubbs and Edward’s Local Shop. At the local job center, Pauline is furious when someone lands an interview without her help. Taxi driver Babs makes middling progress through her sex change.
Episode 2 - The Road To Royston Vasey
Release Date: 1999-01-18Royston Vasey's new road is under construction: good news for all the town's inhabitants except Tubbs and Edward won't this bring strangers to the town? Judee is off to Antigua for a luxury holiday; Pauline is holding a workshop in selling the Big Issue (a newspaper for the homeless), and Ben is trying to use the telephone at the Dentons. We meet butcher Hillary Briss, Henry and Ally, the video-viewers and Reverend Bernice, Royston Vasey's outspoken lady vicar.
Episode 3 - Nightmare in Royston Vasey
Release Date: 1999-01-25An employee working on the new road stumbles into the lair of Edward and Tubbs, breakfast at the Denton's is not what Benjamin was expecting, and a tortoise has an unfortunate encounter with Dr. Chinnery.
Episode 4 - The Beast of Royston Vasey
Release Date: 1999-02-01Chinnery examines the so-called "beast", but has he correctly identified it? Also, the Legz Akimbo Theatre Company arrives to perform a play at the local school.
Episode 5 - Love Comes To Royston Vasey
Release Date: 1999-02-08Ben tries to escape from the Dentons. Henry and Ally go to the wrong film but try to make the best of it. Geoff gives a very truthful and upsetting speech at Mike's wedding.
Episode 6 - Escape From Royston Vasey
Release Date: 1999-02-15Tubbs & Edward's son David returns. Ben leaves Royston Vasey. Ross reveals a secret.