Thriller (1973)
Thriller is a British television series, originally broadcast in the UK from 1973 to 1976. It is an anthology series: each episode has a self-contained story and its own cast. As the title suggests, each story is a thriller of some variety, from tales of the supernatural to down-to-earth whodunits.
Episode 1 - Screamer
Release Date: 1975-01-04After a young woman is attacked on her way to visit friends in the country, she spends time in a mental institution. When she is released, she sees her attacker and exacts her revenge.
Episode 2 - Nurse Will Make It Better
Release Date: 1975-01-11A woman who is hired to care for a paraplegic girl is a devil worshipper and promises the girl that she will be able to walk again in exchange for her soul.
Episode 3 - Night Is the Time for Killing
Release Date: 1975-01-18A woman on a train finds a dead man, but later the body disappears and the man is seen alive.
Episode 4 - Killer with Two Faces
Release Date: 1975-01-25The psychopathic twin brother of an architect escapes from prison and goes on a killing spree.
Episode 5 - A Killer in Every Corner
Release Date: 1975-02-01A scientist invites three students to help him with his new study, which involves mind control of criminals.
Episode 6 - Where the Action Is
Release Date: 1975-02-08A gambler is kidnapped by a deranged tycoon who believes himself to be the greatest gambler in the world and eliminates all of his opponents.