Thriller (1973)
Thriller is a British television series, originally broadcast in the UK from 1973 to 1976. It is an anthology series: each episode has a self-contained story and its own cast. As the title suggests, each story is a thriller of some variety, from tales of the supernatural to down-to-earth whodunits.
Episode 1 - Lady Killer
Release Date: 1973-04-14A shy librarian falls in love with and marries a smooth-talker, who is secretly already married and plots the death of his new wife. Barbara Feldon, Robert Powell, Linda Thorson, T. P. McKenna, Mary Wimbush, John Boswall, Ivor Roberts, Howard Rawlinson, Ronald Mayer, David Billa
Episode 2 - Possession
Release Date: 1973-04-21A couple moves into a sinister old country house, and the husband is taken over by strange forces. John Carson, Joanna Dunham, Hilary Hardiman, Athol Coats, James Cossins, Richard Aylen, Jack Galloway, Mary Ann Severne
Episode 3 - Someone at the Top of the Stairs
Release Date: 1973-04-28When two young women rent a room in a dark house filled with strange inhabitants, one of them is killed and the other is haunted by a mysterious man who appears at the top of the stairs. Donna Mills, Judy Carne, David de Keyser, Francis Wallis, Alethea Charlton, Brian McGrath, Peter Cellier, Clifford Parrish, Scott Forbes, Rhoda Lewis, Alan Roberto, Laura Collins, Richard Corbet, Charles Hill
Episode 4 - An Echo of Theresa
Release Date: 1973-05-05While a couple vacations in London, the husband begins to act strangely, calling his wife "Theresa," and they become involved in espionage. Paul Burke, Polly Bergen, Dinsdale Landen, Basil Henson, Vernon Dobtcheff, Meriel Brooke, William Job, Roger Hume, Larry Taylor, Betty Woolfe, Neville Phillips, Ted Richards, John Caesar
Episode 5 - The Colour of Blood
Release Date: 1973-05-12A serial killer escapes from an asylum and picks a seemingly innocent woman as his next victim, but she is not as innocent as she seems. Norman Eshley, Katherine Schofield, Derek Smith, Garrick Hagon, Geoffrey Chater, Malcolm Terris, Tim Wylton, A. J. Brown, Roy Sone, Eric Mason, Michael Corcoran, Godfrey Jackman
Episode 6 - Murder in Mind
Release Date: 1973-05-19A woman who has been in a car accident and has amnesia believes that she has committed murder and turns herself into the police. Richard Johnson, Zena Walker, Donald Gee, Ronald Radd, Robert Dorning, Christina Greatrex, Anthony Boden, David Lampson
Episode 7 - A Place to Die
Release Date: 1973-05-26A newlywed couple moves to a village, where the husband takes over the medical practice, and finds that the villagers are devil worshippers. Bryan Marshall, Alexandra Hay, John Turner, Glynn Edwards, Sally Stephens, Juan Moreno, Georgine Anderson, Lila Kaye, Sydney Bromley, Jenny Laird, Peggy Ann Wood, Graham Weston, Bill Ward, John Flint, Arnold Ridley, Harold Bennett, Elsie Wagstaff, John Gabriel, Lewis Wilson
Episode 8 - File It Under Fear
Release Date: 1973-06-02When several young women have been strangled in her neighborhood, a neurotic librarian tries to catch the killer. Maureen Lipman, Richard O'Callaghan, Jan Francis, James Grout, John Le Mesurier, Colin Fisher, Rose Hill, Richard Pendrey, John Nightingale, Jenny Quayle, Georgina Melville, Sue Bond
Episode 9 - The Eyes Have It
Release Date: 1973-06-09When a group of assassins takes over a school for the blind, they are overcome by the resourceful students. Peter Vaughan, Dennis Waterman, William Marlowe, Sinéad Cusack, Leslie Schofield, David Jackson, Michael Lees, Alun Armstrong, Colin McCormack, Angela Walker, Catherine Chase, David Sands
Episode 10 - Spell of Evil
Release Date: 1973-06-16A businessman consults a marriage bureau after his wife dies, but his beautiful new wife turns out to be a witch. Diane Cilento, Edward de Souza, Jeremy Longhurst, Jennifer Daniel, William Dexter, Iris Russell, Martin Wyldeck, Philip Anthony, Linda Cunningham, David Belcher, Reg Lye, Patricia Kneale