On the Buses (1969)
On the Buses is a British comedy series created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, broadcast in the United Kingdom from 1969 to 1973. The writers' previous successes with The Rag Trade and Meet the Wife were for the BBC, but the corporation rejected On the Buses, not seeing much comedy potential in a bus depot as a setting. The comedy partnership turned to a friend, Frank Muir, Head of Entertainment at London Weekend Television, who loved the idea; the show was accepted and despite a poor critical reception became a hit with viewers.
Episode 1 - First Aid
Release Date: 1970-01-02Blakey decides that all the Bus Crews, including Stan and Jack, must pass a first aid course .
Episode 2 - The Cistern
Release Date: 1970-01-09A noisy cistern in the Butler household is just the start of the troubles. Buying a new loo isn't the problem, it's how to get it home from the shop!
Episode 3 - The Inspector's Niece
Release Date: 1970-01-16Sally is the Inspector's niece and is put on Stan's bus as the new clippie. How will Stan cope with her Uncle Blakey watching?
Episode 4 - Brew It Yourself
Release Date: 1970-01-23Stan plans on brewing his own beer to save money. Trouble is, once he's tested it, he also goes back to work, where Blakey spots him and notices he's drunk. So when Blakey pulls Stan in for a breath test, it's up to Jack to find a way for him to pass the test without being caught.
Episode 5 - Busman's Perks
Release Date: 1970-01-30Arthur and Olive's bedroom needs decorating, so the Butlers decide to paint the room the same colour as the Luxton Town and District Buses to save money.
Episode 6 - The Snake
Release Date: 1970-02-06A social night at the depot by the overseas busmen's club invites everyone to their evening. With an exotic dancer on the bill Stan and Jack are sure to enjoy themselves.
Episode 7 - Mum's Last Fling
Release Date: 1970-02-13Mum gets a new boyfriend and starts to go out a lot, leaving the family to fend for themselves.
Episode 8 - Radio Control
Release Date: 1970-02-20Blakey comes up with the idea of installing a two way radio system on the buses to keep tabs on where they are at all times, so Stan and Jack have to come up with a plan to get rid of it.
Episode 9 - Foggy Night
Release Date: 1970-02-27Stan and Jack's bus is caught in thick fog which causes problems for them, especially as Blakey and the Butler family are also on board.
Episode 10 - The New Uniforms
Release Date: 1970-03-06Stan and Jack have been chosen as guinea pigs for the Company's tasteful new grey uniform. They are set against the idea until they realise it's just the job for pulling the ladies!
Episode 11 - Going Steady
Release Date: 1970-03-13Stan has been seeing Blakey's niece, Sally. When Stan announces that he wants to marry her, Blakey insists that he and Sally meet Stan's family. So when Stan invites them round for dinner, all the family act posh, until Sally starts criticizing everything that Stan does and says.
Episode 12 - The Squeeze
Release Date: 1970-03-20Money is so tight in the Butler household, that they decide to sell various things to raise some cash, including Arthur's motorbike and side car.
Episode 13 - On the Make
Release Date: 1970-03-27Edna the clippie has been thrown out of her home by her landlady. Feeling sorry for her, Stan persudes his family to take her in as a lodger. But his intentions are not entirely honourable as he hopes that it means that they might get closer. However he does not bargain on Edna bringing Coco her great dane!