On the Buses (1969)
On the Buses is a British comedy series created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, broadcast in the United Kingdom from 1969 to 1973. The writers' previous successes with The Rag Trade and Meet the Wife were for the BBC, but the corporation rejected On the Buses, not seeing much comedy potential in a bus depot as a setting. The comedy partnership turned to a friend, Frank Muir, Head of Entertainment at London Weekend Television, who loved the idea; the show was accepted and despite a poor critical reception became a hit with viewers.
Episode 1 - Family Flu
Release Date: 1969-05-31Mum and Olive are in bed with the flu and it is not long before Arthur joins then. Stan is rushed off his feet looking after them and doing his shifts at the depot. To recover, the family go to stay with Aunt Maud. Stan and Jack plan a party in their absence, if Stan can stay fit!
Episode 2 - The Used Combination
Release Date: 1969-06-07Arthur's motorcycle and side car are in desperate need of repairs. Stan says that he can get the spare parts from the bus depot, if he can sneak them out past anyone in particular who might be watching.
Episode 3 - Self Defence
Release Date: 1969-06-14After a number of assaults on bus staff, the management introduce judo lessons. Enter Blakey as the judo instructor!
Episode 4 - Aunt Maud
Release Date: 1969-06-21Aunt Maud comes to stay and upsets the family home life. The little dog of Aunt Maud's has now grown into a huge animal and also upsets Stan's peaceful home
Episode 5 - Late Again
Release Date: 1969-06-28Stan is burning the candle at both ends, what with his new girlfriend keeping him out late at night and then having to do the early shift at the depot.
Episode 6 - Bon Voyage
Release Date: 1969-07-05Stan and Jack are going on holiday but first there is the small matter of getting a suntan before they go. What better place to sunbathe than at the Cemetery Gates terminus but, having their uniforms stolen whilst sunning themselves is going to prove difficult to explain away back at the depot.