Comedy Lab (1998)
Comedy Lab is a British television series which showcases pilots of experimental comedy shows. Series have been aired irregularly on Channel 4 and E4 since 1998. Several pilots first shown on Comedy Lab have gone on to spawn full series, most notably Trigger Happy TV, Fonejacker, That Peter Kay Thing, Meet the Magoons and FM. It also gave Jimmy Carr his first television appearance in Jimmy Carr's World of…Corporate Videos. The 2001 series features the episodes Knife and Wife, Orcadia, Daydream Believers: Brand New Beamer and Jimmy Carr's World of…Corporate Videos featuring Jimmy Carr. The 2008 series features the episodes Headwreckers, Mr and Mrs Fandango, Olivia Lee's Naughty Bits, Karl Pilkington: Satisfied Fool, Pappy's Fun Club, School of Comedy and Slaterwood. 2010's shows are iCandy, Happy Finish, Penelope Princess of Pets, Jack Whitehall Secret Census, Filth, Moviemash and Hung Out. The 2011 lineup includes: Anna & Katy, Totally Tom and Rick and Peter.
Episode 1 - Fonejacker
Release Date: 2006-05-09One man with a phone prank calls members of the public. The calls are accompanied by a visual which amplifies the comedic effect.
Episode 2 - Bad Crowd
Release Date: 2006-05-09Like any comedy prison, HMP Brickway's population is a mixed bag! Aiden McCabe is struggling to adjust to prison life and his newly-discovered sexual orientation
Episode 3 - Transmission Impossible
Release Date: 2006-05-10Spoof clip show featuring selections of programmes which, given an ill wind of broadcasting desperation, might actually exist in a parallel world.
Episode 4 - FM
Release Date: 2006-05-10Pilot of show which went on to become a hit ITV2 sitcom set in a radio station. The Actors were all changed for the full series tho.
Episode 5 - Dynamo's Estate of Mind
Release Date: 2006-05-11Street magician Dynamo is emerging as one of the most exciting talents around with his stylish and energetic approach to magic influenced by underground poker clubs and incorporating hip-hop movement. This Comedy Lab sees Dynamo and Marcus (his best mate and cameraman) embarking on a 48-hour journey from their home town of Bradford to the bright lights of London, as Dynamo performs tricks in the infamous Delph Hill Estate where he grew up, his old school, and the youth clubs, bars and kebab shops where he first started performing his magic. Dynamo sets himself the challenge of blagging food, transport and access to night clubs and exclusive parties for the entire 48 hours with no money, using only his magic skills.
Episode 6 - Dog Almighty
Release Date: 2006-05-11Dog-based animated sketch show which uses recorded conversations and replaces humans with animated dogs. Following on from the success of internet phenomenon Dog Judo (which has had over 10 million hits to date), Dog Almighty uses several styles of animation to bring to life dogs who discuss supermarket etiquette, their desire to father baby boys and who'd win a fight with Jimmy Saville
Episode 7 - Alex Zane's House of Games
Release Date: 2006-05-12Alex Zane presents a peculiar game show in which four contestants are subjected to a series of bizarre challenges, each hoping to win a paid month off work. Along the way, they'll be expected to battle against good and evil, take on the host's relations and complete physical tests
Episode 8 - Slap
Release Date: 2006-05-12Sketch show in which Katy Brand puts celebrity fakery under the spotlight by parodying stars including Kate Winslet and Kate Moss, and provides her own take on a bad nun and a woman-hating TA captain.