Comedy Lab (1998)
Comedy Lab is a British television series which showcases pilots of experimental comedy shows. Series have been aired irregularly on Channel 4 and E4 since 1998. Several pilots first shown on Comedy Lab have gone on to spawn full series, most notably Trigger Happy TV, Fonejacker, That Peter Kay Thing, Meet the Magoons and FM. It also gave Jimmy Carr his first television appearance in Jimmy Carr's World of…Corporate Videos. The 2001 series features the episodes Knife and Wife, Orcadia, Daydream Believers: Brand New Beamer and Jimmy Carr's World of…Corporate Videos featuring Jimmy Carr. The 2008 series features the episodes Headwreckers, Mr and Mrs Fandango, Olivia Lee's Naughty Bits, Karl Pilkington: Satisfied Fool, Pappy's Fun Club, School of Comedy and Slaterwood. 2010's shows are iCandy, Happy Finish, Penelope Princess of Pets, Jack Whitehall Secret Census, Filth, Moviemash and Hung Out. The 2011 lineup includes: Anna & Katy, Totally Tom and Rick and Peter.
Episode 1 - Modern Toss
Release Date: 2005-05-10John Link and Mick Bunnage's cult comic Modern Toss is brought to life in a mix of live action and animation.
Episode 2 - Speeding
Release Date: 2005-05-11 -
Episode 3 - Glenn Wool: What's the Story?
Release Date: 2005-05-12 -
Episode 4 - Whatever
Release Date: 2005-05-13A Series of bizarre sketches by teenagers.
Episode 5 - Blackout
Release Date: 2005-05-16 -
Episode 6 - I'm Spazticus
Release Date: 2005-05-17Hidden camera comedy featuring a cast of disabled performers playing pranks on an unsuspecting public.
Episode 7 - Pritch and Panch: The Cinderfella Experience
Release Date: 2005-05-18Dirty Sanchez pranksters Pritch and Pratch are sent to Amsterdam to get a taste of the transsexual experience.
Episode 8 - Tatoo
Release Date: 2005-05-19Comedy set in a tatoo studio in Leeds telling the story of two body artists.