The Mummy: The Animated Series (2001)
The Mummy: The Animated Series is an animated television series produced by Universal Animation Studios to capitalize on the success of The Mummy. It premiered on Kids' WB! On the The WB network on September 29, 2001. It is set sometime between 1920 and 1934. The characters and plot were derived from the film, but the series could not replicate its success, efforts to make it consistent with real-world features were almost non-existent as, for example, Lake Titicaca is described as both puma-head shaped and as being found below the ruins of Macchu Picchu. The poor quality of the animation disappointed fans of the special effects-laden movie. It was retooled and rechristened The Mummy: Secrets of the Medjai for its second season, which began on February 15, 2003. Although the quality is considered to have improved between the first and second seasons, the show failed to find an audience and was cancelled on June 7, 2003. Reruns of the show aired on Toon Disney. The entire series was released on DVD in America R1 in three volumes on July 22, 2008.
Episode 1 - A New Beginning (1)
Release Date: 2003-02-15Alex begins his Medjal training with Ardeth Bay and later learns that Imhotep is not only alive but is also planning to resurrect his long-lost love, an evil high priestess named Anck Su Namun.
Episode 2 - A New Beginning (2)
Release Date: 2003-02-22A mortally injured Evy is brought back to life, but in the process the soul of Princess Nefertiri begins to overtake her.
Episode 3 - The Dark Medjai
Release Date: 2003-03-01The legendary "Dark Medjai" kidnaps Ardeth, and Alex and Yanit - another initiate at the Medjai Academy - race to save the day.
Episode 4 - Like Father Like Son
Release Date: 2003-03-08Alex's new friendship with a archeological mercenary leads to tension in the O'Connell home and the discovery of family secrets.
Episode 5 - A Fair to Remember
Release Date: 2003-03-15The Eye of Shiva, a prismatic egg that can turn the skies to fire, goes missing from a temple in Sri Lanka, and the heroes tract it to the Chicago International fair.
Episode 6 - The Enemy of My Enemy
Release Date: 2003-03-22Imhotep and the O'Connells hunt for the powerful Cloak of Isis, and Weasler summons two half-bird/half-woman creatures to help with the quest.
Episode 7 - The Cold
Release Date: 2003-03-29Weasler gets a taste of power and turns it against Imhotep, hoping to beat everyone to a powerful and coveted artifact called the Trident of Voth.
Episode 8 - Time Before Time
Release Date: 2003-04-12Imhotep uses a mystical time machine to change history and become the possessor of the Manacle of Osiris - and ruler of the world.
Episode 9 - Spring of Evil
Release Date: 2003-04-26Imhotep joins forces with Nizam Toth to crush Ardeth Bay and change Alex into their apprentice.
Episode 10 - Trio
Release Date: 2003-05-10Alex, Yanit and a Medjai initiate search for Imhotep, who has merged with an ancient spider creature known as Nihansan.
Episode 11 - Old Friends
Release Date: 2003-05-17Jonathan and the O'Connells travel to Thailand to search for a missing friend and discover that Anck Su Namun has used the Ring of Sukothai to drain the life force out of the woman.
Episode 12 - Just Another Piece of Jewelry
Release Date: 2003-05-31Imhotep and Weasler discover a centuries-old Medjai journal that leads them to "the Medallion of the Medjai", an ancient artifact whose power rivals that of the Manacle of Osiris.
Episode 13 - The Reckoning
Release Date: 2003-06-07Having traveled to Duat, the heroes must overcome the invisible Devourer of Spirits, a giant fire scorpion and the River of Doubt.