Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993)
Late Night with Conan O'Brien is an American late-night talk show hosted by Conan O'Brien that aired 2,725 episodes on NBC between 1993 and 2009. The show featured varied comedic material, celebrity interviews, and musical and comedy performances. The second incarnation of NBC's Late Night franchise, O'Brien's debuted in 1993 after David Letterman, who hosted the first incarnation of Late Night, moved to CBS to host Late Show opposite The Tonight Show. In 2004, as part of a deal to secure a new contract, NBC announced that O'Brien would leave Late Night in 2009 to succeed Jay Leno as the host of The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon began hosting his version of Late Night on March 2, 2009.
Episode 24 - Alec Baldwin/Eliza Dushku/They Might Be Giants
Release Date: 2009-02-12 -
Episode 29 - Jerry Seinfeld
Release Date: 2009-02-19 -
Episode 30 - The White Stripes
Release Date: 2009-02-20Conan thanks the audience for the massive applause at the start of this final episode. John Mayer is seen in a video greeting warning Conan in song, "L.A.'s Gonna Eat You Alive." Conan shows a clip in which he releases Abe Vigoda into the wild. Conan shows a clip of his visit to an old-time baseball team that plays according to 1864 rules. Conan demolishes another piece of the set and has it taken backstage to be cut up and distributed to the audience. Will Ferrell enters as George W. Bush and praises Conan, then strips down to a leprechaun outfit. Conan shows a clip of a practical joke on Andy Richter, and then Andy himself shows up. Conan shows a montage of comedic moments from the show and then another one. The White Stripes perform the song "We're Going to Be Friends." Conan thanks the staff and crew, the Max Weinberg 7, Joel Godard, the writers, Lorne Michaels, key people at NBC, David Letterman, Jay Leno, the people of New York City, executive producer Jeff Ross, his wife and children, his parents, his brother, and the audience.