Looking Glass (2021)
Looking Glass is a science fiction anthology series that follows “The Omniscient” who shares cautionary tales about the future. Each episode follows a different cast of characters allowing for a fresh viewing experience.
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - The Algorithm Generation
Release Date: 2021-04-15James Hastings, a rookie lawyer, secretly builds a case to take down the growing technological mega corporation, H.I.V.E. But, when his estranged brother, Adam, suddenly reappears in his life. James finds himself struggling with what to prioritize.
Episode 2 - The Writer's Room
Release Date: 2020-12-04A group of writers work on their pitch for their newest story, with each writer wanting a much different approach to the character. As the creative differences build rigid tension, they soon realize that the stakes are much higher than they thought.