Sunny Skies (2013)
Sunny Skies is a New Zealand comedy television show that is slated to air on TV3 in the summer of 2013. The show stars Tammy Davis and Oliver Driver as two brothers who unwittingly inherit a local campground.
Episode 1 - Episode One
Release Date: 2013-02-08Deano (Tammy Davis) and Oscar (Oliver Driver) arrive at the Sunny Skies camping ground for the will reading that will change their lives forever.
Episode 2 - Episode Two
Release Date: 2013-02-15Oscar schemes to drive Deano out of Sunny Skies; Nicki takes a holiday; and Charlotte hates her new school.
Episode 3 - Episode Three
Release Date: 2013-02-22Deano unravels the secrets of Cabin 13 and Nicki and Gunna deal with a water crisis.
Episode 4 - Episode Four
Release Date: 2013-03-01There's a bra thief loose in the camp and Deano and Oscar are on the trail of the culprit.
Episode 5 - Episode Five
Release Date: 2013-03-08Nicki's past comes to visit and Oscar becomes convinced that she's a lesbian; and Gunna finds his true calling.
Episode 6 - Episode Six
Release Date: 2013-03-15The season finale sees Oscar finally getting a real offer for the camp.