Akiba's Trip The Animation (2017)
Set in Akihabara, the shopping area has been invaded by creatures known as "Synthisters" who prey on the patrons of Akihabara, feasting on their social energy and will to live. These enemies can only be stopped by direct exposure to sunlight, meaning to defeat these synthisters their clothes need to be ripped off exposing them to sunlight.
Episode 1 - Akiba's First Trip
Release Date: 2017-01-04Tamotsu Denkigai is just another otaku, prowling the streets of Akihabara for elusive rare figurines and other treasures. However, the streets of Akihabara aren't what they used to be - pretty cosplayers are ripping each other's clothes off!
Episode 2 - We Formed a Team - Call Us Electric Mayo!
Release Date: 2017-01-11Tamotsu, Arisa and Niwaka visit Matome's hideout, where they discuss Tamotsu's new powers and the current state of Akihabara. What evil lurks in the streets of their favorite town?
Episode 3 - What Happens When You Mindlessly Follow Someone Who Offers You an Idol Debut
Release Date: 2017-01-18Tamotsu finds a series of new hobbies, and being who he is, he runs off to pursue them. Meanwhile, Arisa, Niwaka and Matome go on patrol without him, and receive a type of attention that they did not expect.
Episode 4 - Ham Radio Fighters
Release Date: 2017-01-25Deadly radio waves send Akihabara to chaos. The team must employ classic radio technology to counter the threat.
Episode 5 - No Reason I'd Lose
Release Date: 2017-02-01During his "training session" in one of Akihabara's video game arcades, Tamotsu is confronted by a mysterious enemy who challenges him in a fighting game.
Episode 6 - Your Memory Is Full
Release Date: 2017-02-08Tamotsu needs a new PC, and he decided to build one from scratch. He's trying to create something totally one-of-a-kind, and gets more than what he expected.
Episode 7 - Only a Liar Says Something Is Too Hard
Release Date: 2017-02-15Tamotsu is short on cash again, so he must find a new part-time job. He finds a job that pays great hourly wages... But at what cost?
Episode 8 - Akihabara Grand Tournament
Release Date: 2017-02-22A mysterious duo is purchasing all the rice cookers in town, messing with the balance of the retail market. The culprit is someone Arisa didn't expect to see.
Episode 9 - Whoa, I Battled with Game Cards!
Release Date: 2017-03-01Arisa helps Tamotsu rediscover a card game that he stopped playing a few years ago. Meanwhile, another Bugged One conspiracy is at play, causing chaos within the Akihabara vigilante groups.
Episode 10 - Did You Open Your Pyloric Canal?!
Release Date: 2017-03-08Tamotsu suddenly realizes that he wants to have girlfriends and go on dates! Niwaka and Arisa conspire to send Tamotsu and Matome on a "practice date," but the event does not play out in the way they imagined.
Episode 11 - The Midsummer Akiba Festival Begins!
Release Date: 2017-03-15The Akihabara Festival, a major government-backed event, is about to begin. As everyone works hard to prepare, behind the scenes, an unknown group conducts unspeakably evil deeds to ruin the fun.
Episode 12 - Electric Mayo's Falling Apart!
Release Date: 2017-03-22With the new Akiba Ban law in effect, otaku and otaku culture is being pushed out of Akihabara. Meanwhile, Tamotsu loses his powers, forcing Electric Mayonnaise out of commission.
Episode 13 - Akiba's Last Trip
Release Date: 2017-03-29The cultural cleansing of Akiba is turning into something more closely resembling an ethnic cleansing operation, and Akiba residents are being rounded up by the police. Can Matome and Tamotsu defeat the mastermind and save the day?