American Gangster (2006)
"American Gangster" chronicles the life and times of some of Black America’s most notorious crime figures. The show will explore without glorifying, and investigate without celebrating these criminal-minded men and women. Each episode will blend news footage, photographs and interviews in a compelling, magazine-style format.
Episode 1 - Stanley Tookie Williams
Release Date: 2006-11-28He was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, he worked with troubled youth and he co-founded one of the most infamous gangs that continues to terrorize the Black community nationwide. His life is documented in this installment.
Episode 2 - 'Freeway Ricky' Ross
Release Date: 2006-12-05This installment chronicles Ross' rise and fall in narcotics distribution and his unusual connection to the Reagan-era CIA/Iran-Contras controversy.
Episode 3 - Leroy Nicky Barnes
Release Date: 2006-12-12This installment chronicles Barnes' life addiction to heroine beginning in the 1950s. He is now known as the most notorious snitch in history.
Episode 4 - Troy & Dino Smith
Release Date: 2006-12-19This installment explores the Smiths' rise from teen criminals to masterminds of some of Bay Area's most cunning crimes.
Episode 5 - The Chambers Brothers
Release Date: 2006-12-26Billy Joe, Larry, Willie and Otis Chambers are some of the most notorious drug lords in America. This installment chronicles their high points and their fall in 1988 because Larry videotaped the drug deals, and the tapes were found.
Episode 6 - Lorenzo 'Fat Cat' Nichols
Release Date: 2007-01-02This installment shows what Queens, NY was really like when Nichols roamed the streets.