Scúp (2013)
Set in a struggling Irish language newspaper in Belfast, the series is built around the character of Rob Cullan. a journalist who has left a high flying job in an English newspaper under a cloud. He is persuaded to return to the community he grew up in by the wily newspaper proprietor Diarmuid Black to help rescue his ailing publication.
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Release Date: 2014-04-01Rob returns to An Nuacht to find mayhem in the office, while a social gathering provides the perfect opportunity for Alix to flex her journalistic muscles.
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Release Date: 2014-04-08The team rally to a four-year-old boy with a seemingly life-threatening disease. Speculation grows as to the identity of Alix's new boyfriend.
Episode 3 - Episode 3
Release Date: 2014-04-15When a young soldier dies in a horrific car crash, the newspaper team attempt to paint a portrait of a hero but in the wake of a disturbing online video, discover an even more tragic secret. Rob finds himself the impromptu host of a housewarming party.
Episode 4 - Episode 4
Release Date: 2014-04-22Suspicion surrounds a retiree when local teenager, Victoria McIlroy disappears. The team are amused to learn a hitherto unknown fact about Cormac. A thoroughly unamused Gerry finds himself playing 'fly-on-the-way' to a local taxi-driver who proves to be quite the character. An emphatic Alix is faced with a dilemma when she finds Victoria safe and well in a very surprising place. Rebecca's heavy spending leads to a difficult conversation with the bank for Rob.
Episode 5 - Episode 5
Release Date: 2014-04-29A disturbance at the office brings Diarmuid and Rob out in force only to find that the office has been ransacked and a young man lies gravely ill on the ground. An even worse sight awaits Diarmuid on the roof - the sight of his teenage daughter falling over the edge. While Erin fights for her life in hospital, while the young man loses the battle for his, it is revealed that a so-called 'legal-high' is to blame.
Episode 6 - Episode 6
Release Date: 2014-05-06While it looks as though Erin may be through the worst, Diarmuid struggles to atone for his absence as her father. Rob faces difficult times when a doctor stresses the importance of Rebecca remaining on her medication while Rebecca secretly disagrees.