Little Dogs on the Prairie (2000)
Little Dogs on the Prairie is an animated Christian comedy show for children produced by Fancy Monkey Studios. The show takes place in a small town where prairie dogs live in holes covered by house sets. The show is narrated by Nathan Carlson, one of the many voices on the hit Christian radio shows Jungle Jam and Adventures in Odyssey.
Episode 1 - Stanza By Me
Release Date: 2000-04-04Hollister is excited to finally get some help in his telegraph office, even if it is from a lowdown, belly-crawling, vermin-infested snake named Stanza. Join the entire Prairie Town gang as they learn an important lesson about prejudice.
Episode 2 - Have Gum, Will Travel
Release Date: 2000-03-31Scout rises to stardom when his bubbles become the biggest thing in town. But will he blow it? Find out in this story on the danger of pride.
Episode 3 - Here Comes da Grudge
Release Date: 2000-04-04It's showdowns and hoedowns when Hollister and Gilroy face off in front of the whole town and learn the folly of holding a grudge.