The Romeo Section (2015)
Set in Vancouver, THE ROMEO SECTION is an hour-long serialized espionage drama following spymaster Professor Wolfgang McGee, an academic who secretly manages a roster of espionage assets. These assets, referred to as Romeo or Juliet spies, are informants engaged in intimate long or short term relations with state intelligence targets. Wolfgang is a semi-retired Romeo operator, having worked his way up from youth in an unnamed and officially deniable “service” under the umbrella of Canada’s Intelligence Community.
- Anne Wheeler
- Stephen Surjik
- Chris Haddock
Episode 1 - The China Shop
Release Date: 2015-10-14Wolfgang manages his assets for the Romeo Section while fronting as a university professor.
Episode 2 - Repel Monkey
Release Date: 2015-10-21Wolfgang may have found a new recruit, while an agent has been arrested overseas and Dee gives Rufus a gift.
Episode 3 - West Ocean Ghost
Release Date: 2015-10-28Wolfgang is interrogated about his trip to Hong Kong; Wing Lei meets General Wu’s unorthodox connection
Episode 4 - Fragrant Harbour
Release Date: 2015-11-04Wolfgang meets a walk-in who casts suspicion on someone close to him; Eva learns a hard truth about Miguel.
Episode 5 - Five Spies
Release Date: 2015-11-11Wolfgang deals with a suspicious walk-in; Wing Lei is reluctant to enlist an outsider's help; Dee gets used to new surroundings; Miguel and Eva contend with mounting outside pressure.
Episode 6 - Mandate Of Heaven
Release Date: 2015-11-18Wolfgang has an asset in danger; gang members become divided; a new informant is field-tested; Miguel believes he knows what is to become of him.
Episode 7 - Whiskey Jack
Release Date: 2015-11-25Lily is accosted by a mysterious stranger; the General meets with a man from his past; Vince is put in a tough spot, while Rufus prepares for a risky job
Episode 8 - Elephant Faces East
Release Date: 2015-12-02A Wolfgang asset goes missing; a foreign agency invades Wolfgang's territory; Dee comes home to Vince, who is feeling pressure from all sides; and Rufus' plan is put in motion.
Episode 9 - Dragon Fruit
Release Date: 2015-12-10Intrigue surrounds Wolfgang's newest recruit and inquiring minds fish for information; Eva faces a new threat, without Wolfgang; Rufus goes AWOL; Vince finds himself on shaky groun
Episode 10 - A String Of Pearls
Release Date: 2015-12-16Things intensify when Wolfgang's assets must contend with all the secrets they've been harboring.