Princess Resurrection (2007)
Princess Resurrection is a Japanese horror comedy manga by Yasunori Mitsunaga. The manga was serialized monthly in Monthly Shōnen Sirius magazine and published by Kodansha. A 26-episode anime series by Madhouse aired on TBS in 2007. Both the manga and anime are available in North America with the manga licensed by Del Rey Manga and the anime licensed by Sentai Filmworks and available on the Anime Network website. A new OVA series has been made by Tatsunoko Production with the first episode released in December 2010, along with the 13th volume of the manga, the second episode for the 14th volume, and the third episode for the 16th volume. A spin-off manga, Naqua-Den, which stars a side-character from Princess Resurrection as the main character, was released in 2012 currently with two volumes.
Episode 1 - Princess Resurrection
Release Date: 2007-04-12Hiro, a young, timid boy, dies while saving a girl on the street from falling construction beams. That girl turns out to be Hime, his sister's new employer, who by resurrecting Hiro makes him into her servant.
Episode 2 - Princess Destruction
Release Date: 2007-04-19With Hiro's life force fading and needing restoration, he slowly comes to realize that he has no choice but to be involved with Hime. As an invisible man enters the mansion to assassinate Hime, she goes wild with a chainsaw chasing him, and eventually even sets the mansion on fire.
Episode 3 - Princess Rampage
Release Date: 2007-04-26Riza, half-sister of the werewolf Lobo Wildman killed by Hime in the first episode, comes to claim her revenge. But she does not yet realize that she herself was used as a chess piece to make Lobo betray Hime.
Episode 4 - Princess Negotiation
Release Date: 2007-05-03Hime and company, with Riza in tow, travel to Hime's lake resort and end up being involved with a race of fish men after Hime's immortality powers. Riza declares her intention to stick close to Hime in order to find an opportunity to take her revenge on Hime's brothers.
Episode 5 - Princess Blood
Release Date: 2007-05-10Reiri, a beautiful vampire girl at Hiro's school, approaches and turns Hiro in order to gain access to Hime's house and obtain her powers by sucking her blood. However, Hime prepares a wide range of countermeasures.
Episode 6 - Princess Alliance
Release Date: 2007-05-17Hime's sister Sherwood shows up one day, proposing an alliance against their other siblings. Hime refuses, but Sherwood's goal from the start was to plant a dangerous man-eating plant near the mansion.
Episode 7 - Princess Lightning
Release Date: 2007-05-24Hiro loses consciousness while shopping and is taken to the hospital. He wakes up there only to be chased by a crazy doctor and his minions. Reiri tells Hime about Hiro's fate and Hime, together with Riza go to rescue him.
Episode 8 - Princess Secret Room
Release Date: 2007-05-31Rain, roads blocked by garbage. Hime, Riza and Hiro are forced to stay in the Sasanagi Motel until things are clear. Upon arrival, they find Reiri. But a monster sent by Zeppeli turns things creepier than it should be, except for Hime and Reiri who play chess.
Episode 9 - Princess Monochrome
Release Date: 2007-06-07Sherwood seems bored with her arrival at her new mansion since Francisca is missing. Hime tells Hiro to go there and as he reaches it, she meets Francisca carrying a panda. Later on, Sherwood is attacked by monster bats and Hime comes to help.
Episode 10 - Princess Recollections
Release Date: 2007-06-14Flandre meets an android, Ciel and brings him back to be repaired. In return he does odd jobs around the house. He failed to kidnap Hime and finds out that all his memories were fake and that he was programmed by Zeppeli. He returns to Zeppeli and self-destructs.
Episode 11 - Princess Cat-Tongue
Release Date: 2007-06-21Hiro finds Hiroko, a cat, by the road and takes her in. Hiroko, actually a cat-person, grows attached to Hiro. She turns out to be an unskilled assassin controlled by the bell on her collar. Shocked by her own behavior, she disappears.
Episode 12 - Princess Attrition
Release Date: 2007-06-28Pharaoh, given the promise of eternal life upon Hime's death, sends his army of mummies to attack Hime. Hime having taken drowsy cold medicine (before knowing about the pending attack) entrusts her life with Hiro.
Episode 13 - Princess Sacrifice
Release Date: 2007-07-05During a lunar eclipse, Hime and Hiro were pulled into the memory of Akasabi village and had to deal with a serial killer.
Episode 14 - Princess Dead Run
Release Date: 2007-07-12Riza has been racing with a ghost knight on Sasanagi Pass. One night, he lost his head and went berserk. Hiro, while helping to search for the knight's head, got kidnapped and turned into Zeppeli's "knight". Hime has to save him.
Episode 15 - Princess Visitation
Release Date: 2007-07-19Hiro's acquaintances find out that he's staying with 3 beautiful women. They confront him and ask Hime if they could be her servants. Hime agrees on condition that they go through an obstacle course in the house. A shape-shifter taking Hiro's form also joins the race to reach Hime first.
Episode 16 - Princess Succession
Release Date: 2007-07-26Riza, frustrated with training, heads to Hime's lake resort and meets Aron, a were-shark, who was good friends with Lobo Wildman (Riza's brother). Aron turns out to be an assassin of one of the Royalty sent to kill Hime. After being defeated by Riza, she asks Riza to avenge Lobo for her as well.
Episode 17 - Princess Maturity
Release Date: 2007-08-02A witch from the black forest goes after Hime's and Sherwood's spirit to get eternal youth.
Episode 18 - Princess Hunter
Release Date: 2007-08-09A raccoon dog became a vampire hunter in order to feed his family, but mistakenly attacks Hime believing her to be a vampire.
Episode 19 - Princess Ocean
Release Date: 2007-08-16Hime, Hiro and Riza are trapped in a haunted ship and must find and rescue a mysterious mermaid in order to escape. Hime's older brother Emil is introduced.
Episode 20 - Princess Connection
Release Date: 2007-08-23Hiro is kidnapped by a vampire named Duke Dracul. Riza and Reiri must enter the village of vampires to save him.
Episode 21 - Princess Banishment
Release Date: 2007-08-30Hiro and his friend Buchi visits Reiri after she doesn't come out to school. However, when they get there, Dracul Duke tries to banish Reiri by sending in low-class vampires. Hime's team comes to help.
Episode 22 - Princess Carnage
Release Date: 2007-09-06Hime is attacked by three werewolves at night and she and her team must take them down. Riza fights for her family's pride while Hiro is reminded again that he is a warrior protecting Hime's life.
Episode 23 - Princess Zombie
Release Date: 2007-09-13Hime's team looks for the royalty who sent the werewolves and Dracul Duke. They end up in a town filled with zombies and must get themselves out.
Episode 24 - Princess Duel
Release Date: 2007-09-20Hime is accused of using zombies by the committee and stands before the judge. She and her brother Severin must battle in order to be freed.
Episode 25 - Princess Delinquent
Release Date: 2007-09-27Flandre goes on a rampage and seems to attack anyone that approaches her, including Hime. Guessing that Flandre is self-destructing, the group in vain tries to stop her.
Episode 26 - Sleeping Princess
Release Date: 2008-02-14Hime, Hiro, Riza and Reiri are trapped in a nightmare world. They struggle to find a way out of the dream as they are constantly attacked by imaginary enemies.