The Adventures of Shirley Holmes (1997)
The Adventures of Shirley Holmes is a Canadian mystery TV series that originally aired from 1997 to 2000. The show was created by Ellis Iddon and Phil Meagher who had produced a successful series of books with Harper Collins, teaming up with Credo and Forefront to develop the TV series. Filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the series follows the life of Shirley Holmes, the great grand-niece of Sherlock Holmes who, with the help of ex-gang member Bo Sawchuk, tackles a variety of mysteries in and around the fictional Canadian city of Redington. On some occasions, she found herself matching wits with archnemesis Molly Hardy. The show has been broadcast in over 80 countries and has been dubbed in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Norwegian, Polish and Turkish. Her performance in the show led to actress Meredith Henderson being nominated for a Gemini Award in 1998 and winning one in 1999. The show itself was twice nominated for a Gemini Award in the category "Best Children's or Youth Program or Series" in 1998 and eventually won it in 1999. In the spring of 1998 Susin Nielsen won a Gemini Award in the category "Best Writing in a Children's or Youth Program" for her screenplay of the episode "The Case of the Burning Building". In the same year, Elizabeth Stewart won a WGC Award from the Writers Guild of Canada for her writing of the episode "The Case of the Maestro's Ghost".
Episode 1 - The Case of the Wannabe Witch
Release Date: 1998-01-05Could Ms. Flitt, the Sussex school librarian, be a witch? It is a possibility that Shirley must entertain as she investigates a series of ominous mishaps at Sussex Academy.
Episode 2 - The Case of the Doggone Cats
Release Date: 1998-01-12Barf, Stink's dog, is under suspicion when neighbourhood cats start disappearing. When he is nabbed by Hoskins, the over zealous local dogcatcher, his life hangs in the balance.
Episode 3 - The Case of Babyfingers
Release Date: 1998-01-19Shirley infiltrates an organized gang of kiddie thieves after her backpack is ""snatched"" by a six-year-old pickpocket.
Episode 4 - The Case of the Bouncing Baby
Release Date: 1998-01-26Shirley and Bo join the circus as they try to find out who left a baby boy on Mr. Howie's doorstep in the middle of the night.
Episode 5 - The Case of the Rising Moon
Release Date: 1998-02-02Shirley's attempts to uncover the truth about a mysterious new boarding student at Sussex Academy place the young stranger's life in danger.
Episode 6 - The Case of the Exploding Puppet
Release Date: 1998-02-09There is trouble on the set of The Happy Valley Show: props are exploding, background walls are falling over and Freddie the Firefly recently blew his lightbulb.
Episode 7 - The Case of the Cryptic Creature
Release Date: 1998-02-16Sitting on the toilet becomes unsafe at Sussex Academy when the kids discover there is a slithering creature living in the water system.
Episode 8 - The Case of the Missing Marbles
Release Date: 1998-02-23When Bo befriends ""the crazy old lady"" who lives down the block, he and Shirley find themselves being pursued by a criminal impostor as they race to find a bag of stolen diamonds.
Episode 9 - The Case of the Mischievous Poltergeist
Release Date: 1998-03-02Bart is turning twelve--and everyone hopes his party won't be as boring as last year's. They needn't worry. Bart has a special guest lined up--his very own poltergeist!
Episode 10 - The Case of the Left Thumb Print
Release Date: 1998-03-09When Robert Holmes is accused of stealing a top secret government decoding key from the British Consulate, Shirley jumps to her father's defense and vows to find the real offender.
Episode 11 - The Case of the Golden Cave
Release Date: 1998-03-16An orienteering excursion into the deep woods brings to life a ghost story for the students of Sussex Academy.
Episode 12 - The Case of the Patron Saint
Release Date: 1998-03-23When a disoriented stranger appears at the Holmes' front door with Joanna Holmes' stethoscope in his hand, Shirley is certain that the man has information on her missing mother's whereabouts.
Episode 13 - The Case of the Broken Oath
Release Date: 1998-03-30Shirley suspects that Bo's cousin Zack, a musician, has something to do with the strange accidents that are taking other performers out of the picture and helping his career skyrocket!