Anyone But Me (2009)
Anyone But Me is a live-action, web television drama that first aired in 2008. The show is in serial short-format webisodes, each lasting between six and fifteen minutes, following the lives of a group of teenagers in New York City and Westchester County, New York. Anyone But Me was developed by Tina Cesa Ward and playwright Susan Miller from Ward's original work. Anyone But Me's initial launch and distribution was on Strike.TV. Subsequently it has been offered on its own website and other online video providers such as YouTube and Hulu.
Episode 1 - Stick Figures
Release Date: 2011-04-25In the Season 3 opener, Vivian's struggles to draw the comic strip forces her to confront difficult memories.
Episode 2 - Far Away
Release Date: 2011-05-10Aster finds more than she was looking for in LA. And Sophie faces Vivian for the first time since "the kiss."
Episode 3 - Something Old Something New
Release Date: 2011-05-23 -
Episode 4 - Mapping Home
Release Date: 2011-05-30Vivian's confused feelings towards Sophie are aroused by Sophie's need to confide in her. Aster seeks out Dr. Glass.
Episode 5 - 2,500 Miles to You
Release Date: 2011-06-20After miles and months apart, Vivian and Aster confront what was and what may be.
Episode 6 - We Went Down to Battery Park
Release Date: 2012-03-20Vivian and Aster confront their past to see if there's a future. And an unexpected intrusion throws everyone off guard, forcing a decision.