Chalk (1997)
A British television sitcom set in a comprehensive school named Galfast High. Two series written by Steven Moffat were broadcast on BBC1 in 1997. Like his earlier sitcom Joking Apart, it was produced by Andre Ptaszynski. The series focuses upon deputy headteacher Eric Slatt, permanently stressed over the chaos he creates both by himself and some of his eccentric staff. His wife Janet and new English teacher Suzy Travis attempt to help him solve the problems.
Episode 1 - New Student
Release Date: 1997-09-17A new student named Ronald Langham spends a week at the school.
Episode 2 - Amanda
Release Date: 1997-09-24An inspector from the Local Education Authority visits the school to investigate financial irregularities.
Episode 3 - Bungee
Release Date: 1997-10-01Eric Slatt criticises Maureen Bullivant during morning assembly. Later, at the parents' evening, he has reason to regret his harsh words.
Episode 4 - Dream
Release Date: 1997-10-08Eric and Suzy both have a dream after a new pupil starts at the school.
Episode 5 - Exam
Release Date: 1997-10-15Exams are approaching, and Eric Slatt has to go and upset the school's star pupil.
Episode 6 - Party
Release Date: 1997-10-22It's the end of term, and the staff are looking forward to celebrating.