Walt Disney Animation Studios: Short Circuit Experimental Films (2020)
If you could tell any story with the team of talented artists at Walt Disney Animation Studios, what would you create? Welcome to Short Circuit, an experimental, innovative program where anyone at the Studio can pitch an idea and get selected to create their own short film.
Episode 1 - Crosswalk
Release Date: 2021-08-04A law-abiding citizen must find his inner strength to cross the street at a light that won't change.
Episode 2 - Going Home
Release Date: 2021-08-04A story about growing up and the meaning of home in which a young adult repeatedly visits his hometown, but with every new arrival he starts to face the inevitable: change.
Episode 3 - No. 2 to Kettering
Release Date: 2021-08-04On a dreary, ordinary morning, a girl learns how the power of laughter can lift even the most sullen among her fellow bus riders along their journey to Kettering.
Episode 4 - Dinosaur Barbarian
Release Date: 2021-08-04Battling evil is all in a day's work for Dinosaur Barbarian, but what about taking out the trash? Sometimes even a superhero needs to clean up his act.
Episode 5 - Songs to Sing in the Dark
Release Date: 2021-08-04Two creatures living in the depths of a dark cave engage in a battle of acoustic one-upmanship. As things escalate, they come to realize that they are stronger together.
Episode 6 - Reflect
Release Date: 2022-09-14A ballet dancer battles her own reflection, overcoming doubt and fear by channeling her inner strength, grace and power.