Ottifants (1993)
Otto's Ottifants is an animated series published in 1993, featuring the famous elephant-like characters created by german comedian Otto Walkes. Within a short period of time the humorous stories of Family Bommel and their notorious baby Bruno won the hearts of many young and old people in all the German-speaking areas in Europe.
Episode 1 - Rock'n'Roll and chocolate nuts
Release Date: 1993-09-25It's all haywire! Baby Bruno escapes his play pen together with his teddy Honk, crashes his fathers car and causes a police raid after making obscene phone calls. In the meantime Grandpa constructs a spacecraft made of cardboxes and sends Bruno and Honk to outer space to find intergalactic chocolate nuts.
Episode 2 - Just bananas
Release Date: 1993-10-02As Paul and Renate Bommel leave their home for a confirmation ceremony of a friend, Baby Bruno floods the bathroom with lots of water and detergent. On the way to the event the battered car of Grandpa Bommel unfortunately conks out and Paul and Renate Bommel have to repair their vehicle in a car workshop. Meanwhile Grandpa Bommel invites his colleagues and assists Baby Bruno's ghost hunt in the neighbors house.
Episode 3 - Bearnapping
Release Date: 1993-10-09His boss orders Paul Bommel to organise the visitation of arabic investors. Paul gullibly transfers his tasks to the janitor, Mrs. Hoppmann, who tries to convince their guests with an awkward and clichéd presentation. In the meantime, Teddy Honk disappears during fishing in a moment of carelessness, initiating Baby Bruno's serach to recover his lost friend.
Episode 4 - Grab that dough
Release Date: 1993-10-16After bugging his father Paul about the purchase of a bobby car, Baby Bruno meets a cute girl in their neighborhood. Consequently he ponders how to impress her and simultaneously outclass his opponent, the neighbor's boy. Meanwhile, Paul and Grandpa Bommel participate in a quiz show called "Grab that dough", not sparing any embarassing moments.
Episode 5 - Mr. King
Release Date: 1992-10-23After a discussion with his son Paul, Grandpa Bommel tries to find a job and surprisingly lands a position as a department head in his own son's company. Grandpa Bommel enjoys all the perks of his job, while Paul Bommel has to move to a tiny office. Meanwhile, since his teddy bear Honk is celebrating a birthday, Baby Bruno goes in search of Honk's mother and causes mischief at the circus.
Episode 6 - The singing sailor
Release Date: 1993-10-30After Paul Bommel has to cancel his honeymoon with Renate due to the flu, and both stay at home, Grandpa Bommel decides to relive his youth. However, when he and his friends hit the Hamburg Reeperbahn, they quickly realize that much has changed. Meanwhile, Baby Bruno is starting his search for an imaginary treasure.
Episode 7 - Beach Boys
Release Date: 1993-11-06Since Paul Bommel wants to negotiate a raise with his boss but lacks the confidence to do so, he decides to seek advice from Mrs. Hoppmann, the janitor. Meanwhile, his wife Renate is planning to take some university courses for further education. Baby Bruno spends his time in the pool, on his sun lounger, and causes chaos in the Bommels' garden.
Episode 8 - Happy Birthday
Release Date: 1993-11-13Grandpa Bommel organizes a garden party for Paul's 40th birthday, though Paul is initially depressed and doesn't want to celebrate. However, since Grandpa Bommel invites the entire neighborhood, the situation gradually escalates. Meanwhile, Baby Bruno, in search of a gift, borrows his father's credit card and buys some expensive items.
Episode 9 - The babysitter blues
Release Date: 1993-11-20Paul and Renate Bommel hire a babysitter for Baby Bruno, as they are invited to an art gallery opening in the evening. Baby Bruno is not thrilled and tries to make the best of the situation. In the meantime, Grandpa Bommel and his three buddies break into a corrupt car dealer's place at night to retrieve Karlchen's car, which was taken from him for far too little money.
Episode 10 - Beast of suburbia
Release Date: 1993-11-27When a pool of blood and an empty safe are discovered at Paul Bommel's company, people fear the worst for his boss. After various rumors spread around the office, Paul is prematurely accused and made the main suspect. Meanwhile, Baby Bruno finds a mysterious bone near his sandbox, and Grandpa Bommel starts an archaeological dig in the garden.
Episode 11 - Wilderness Adventures
Release Date: 1993-12-04It's vacation time! After initial protests from Paul, the Bommel family decides to book a bus trip. After several chaotic events, the Bommels end up in the woods and have to pitch their tents in the wilderness. Baby Bruno then discovers the castle of a mad professor and explores the eerie rooms of the fortress.
Episode 12 - Bad weed grows tall
Release Date: 1993-12-11Paul Bommel is stressed because an important meeting with another company is coming up at his firm, and he is also tasked with taking care of a potted plant. When he forgets to water it, Paul desperately tries every possible way to revive the suffering plant. Meanwhile, Baby Bruno lands the lead role in a baby food commercial and does his best to shine.
Episode 13 - Dream wedding
Release Date: 1993-12-18Grandpa Bommel shocks his family when he announces that he wants to get married again. However, when Paul Bommel realizes that his father lied about the plans just to impress his friends, he tries to help him with the scheme. Disguised as a woman, Paul accompanies his father to a senior citizens' party, where he has to endure all kinds of awkward situations.