Damage Control (2005)
Damage Control is a reality TV series produced by MTV. Hosted by Simple Plan frontman Pierre Bouvier, and directed by Sebastian Doggart, the show was a real-life version of the movie Risky Business. It first aired on MTV on March 6, 2005. The last episode was broadcast on April 24, 2005.
Episode 1 - Chris
Release Date:While Chris watches his parent's house, he is secretly filmed on hidden camera by his parents. Dad's coworker drops by and finds critical documents she is picking up are not signed. A film maker and his actresses set up in the RV that his dad said was off limits. Someone asks him to keep some farm animals overnight in the yard. The pittsburgh fan club shows up to party at his house. A famous rapper shows up
Episode 2 - Mike
Release Date:Sex addict group shows up, strippers show up, and then vanilla ice.
Episode 3 - Matt
Release Date:Matt's house is taken over by the American Chopper guys,
Episode 8 - Shawn
Release Date:Shawns house is taken over by a crazy pet detective, a group of belly dancers, and a barmitzvah.