Kyusei Sentai Wakuseiber (2021)
Kyuusei Sentai Wakuseiber, alternatively spelled Wakusaver, is a Japanese Tokusatsu web-television series created by AV company GIGA in homage to Toei's Super Sentai series. The show airs exclusively on YouTube for all-ages, with its final episode, an extended cut of episode five with AV content, being exclusively on an adults-only DVD and digital download.
Episode 1 - Birth of the Planetary Saviors! Oath to the Future
Release Date: 2021-07-02Trivia: - The episode has a fake clock in the corner, spoofing Toei hero shows that tended to air in the morning. Except since this is made by an adult company, the clock says PM instead of AM. - One of the sponsors is Lady Trooper Chocolate. Sentouin (trooper) is the same term used for Shocker Troopers (the grunts that screech "ii!" and fight Kamen Riders) so it may be a reference to that. - The other sponsor is Tokyo Legenmirror Hotel which is a parody of Tokyo La'gent Hotel. But it's also a parody of the Legenmirror porn hero series by GIGA.
Episode 2 - Go, Hero Who Protects the Blue Peace!
Release Date: 2021-07-09 -
Episode 3 - Dance, Cheerful Warrior of Light!
Release Date: 2021-07-16 -
Episode 4 - Whip Up a Whirlwind Like a Storm!
Release Date: 2021-07-23 -
Episode 5 - First Awakening! The Ones Chosen by the Planets!
Release Date: 2021-07-30