Science Fiction, Science Fact

Warp speed, transporters, wormholes and lasers--they are all staples of science fiction books, movies, and TV shows. But the fantastic world of tomorrow is quickly becoming the futuristic world of today. While you may not be "beaming" to your next appointment any time soon, researchers are preparing for the first tests of a present-day "transporter." And while scientists have long mocked Hollywood's visions of warp speed and faster-than-light travel as prohibited by Einstein's laws, a new generation of physicists continues to rewrite the fundamental rules of the universe. Is there a way around the cosmic speed limit? Maybe... as long as you're prepared to survive a journey through the ultra-high energies of one of the most violent places in the cosmos--the heart of a twisting, swirling vortex that leads either to strange, new worlds... or certain death.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Erik Thompson
  • Alex Filippenko

Release Date: 2007-05-29
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
TMDb: 7.9/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 45

Other episodes for this season

Death Stars
Episode 1 - Death Stars
The Day the Moon Was Gone
Episode 2 - The Day the Moon Was Gone
It Fell From Space
Episode 3 - It Fell From Space
Biggest Blasts
Episode 4 - Biggest Blasts
The Hunt for Ringed Planets
Episode 5 - The Hunt for Ringed Plane...
10 Ways to Destroy the Earth
Episode 6 - 10 Ways to Destroy the Ea...
The Search for Cosmic Clusters
Episode 7 - The Search for Cosmic Clu...
Space Wars
Episode 8 - Space Wars
Liquid Universe
Episode 9 - Liquid Universe
Pulsars & Quasars
Episode 10 - Pulsars & Quasars
Science Fiction, Science Fact
Episode 11 - Science Fiction, Science Fact
Extreme Energy
Episode 12 - Extreme Energy