Kidnap and Ransom (2011)
Kidnap and Ransom is a British television three-part miniseries, originally shown on ITV in January 2011 with a second series following in February 2012. The series follows the work of a British hostage negotiator Dominic King, played by Trevor Eve, who is also executive producer of the series.
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Release Date: 2011-01-13When a businesswoman (Emma Fielding) is kidnapped in South Africa, expert hostage negotiator King believes he’s dealing with a straightforward case – pay the money, get her back. But when the release is botched and they strike again in Britain, the kidnapper, Willard’s (John Hannah) motives become far more sinister. With trouble brewing at home with his wife Sophie (Natasha Little) and teenage daughter - and his team, boss Angela (Helen Baxendale) and ambitious assistant Carrie (Amara Karan) pushed to the limit, King must draw on all his reserves to bring the victims home alive.
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Release Date: 2011-01-20With Naomi still a hostage, the stakes are raised as Dominic must deal with the mysterious Willard (John Hannah). After a lengthy negotiation she is released, but back in England Dominic's instinct to keep an eye on her is proved right when the kidnappers strike again.
Episode 3 - Episode 3
Release Date: 2011-01-27Recalled to help the Shaffers after Sally's abduction,King learns what the kidnappers are really after.Naomi's husband Philip has created a valuable new anti-obesity drug,worth millions and they want it. Bringing in the British police King goes for an exchange using a fake formula but Willard is ahead of him and Sally is not delivered until Philip has created the real thing.