The Murders at Starved Rock (2021)
This documentary series explores the 1960 brutal murders of three women in Starved Rock State Park in LaSalle County, Illinois, and the decades of questions and doubts that have haunted the son of the prosecutor in the case, as the man found guilty seeks to clear his name after sixty years in prison.
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - Part 1: The Boogeyman
Release Date: 2021-12-14In 1960, three women are brutally murdered in Starved Rock State Park, casting a decades-long shadow over the town of LaSalle, Illinois.
Episode 2 - Part 2: Psychological Warfare
Release Date: 2021-12-14David’s investigation leads him back to LaSalle, where, decades after the horrendous crime, locals continue to debate Chester’s innocence.
Episode 3 - Part 3: Memories
Release Date: 2021-12-15With Chester free, David grapples with lingering suspicions, the effects of generational trauma, and the fallout of his father’s legacy.