The Desert Son

Nasir al Yasaf, the fifth son of the Emir of Kumar, leads a glamorous life in Munich. Protected by his diplomatic status, the young man takes every liberty: fast cars, extravagant parties, drugs. And the police stand by and do nothing. When Nasir's expensive sports car once again races through Munich, ignoring every red light & stopped only by police blockade, the body of his friend Karim is found in the passenger seat. Batic and Leitmayr are tasked with solving Karim's murder, but their hands are tied when it comes to their investigation. Batic rages, Leitmayr urges "diplomatic" action. But to their amazement, the Emir's son cooperates.

  • Gunther Witte
  • Günter Rohrbach

Release Date: 1970-11-29
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
TMDb: 6.1/10
  • Country: AT, DE, CH
  • Language: Deutsch
  • Runtime: 90

Other episodes for this season

Episode 1
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Episode 3 - Franziska
Episode 4
Episode 4 - Episode 4
Adams Alptraum
Episode 5 - Adams Alptraum
Yours Forever
Episode 6 - Yours Forever
Großer schwarzer Vogel
Episode 7 - Großer schwarzer Vogel
Episode 8
Episode 8 - Episode 8
Bremen - Brothers
Episode 9 - Bremen - Brothers
Vienna - Deep End
Episode 10 - Vienna - Deep End
Episode 11 - Kopfgeld
Frühstück für immer
Episode 12 - Frühstück für immer
Der Fall Reinhardt
Episode 13 - Der Fall Reinhardt
Borowski and the Sea
Episode 14 - Borowski and the Sea
Der Hammer
Episode 15 - Der Hammer
Zwischen zwei Welten
Episode 16 - Zwischen zwei Welten
Episode 17 - Kaltstart
Munich - At the End of the Hall
Episode 18 - Munich - At the End of th...
Episode 19 - Ohnmacht
Episode 20
Episode 20 - Episode 20
Episode 21 - Freigang
Vienna - The Road to Paradise
Episode 22 - Vienna - The Road to Para...
Episode 23 - Verfolgt
The Desert Son
Episode 24 - The Desert Son
Mord ist die beste Medizin
Episode 25 - Mord ist die beste Medizi...
Wahre Liebe
Episode 26 - Wahre Liebe
Episode 27 - Winternebel
Im Schmerz geboren
Episode 28 - Im Schmerz geboren
Episode 29 - Blackout
Episode 30 - Vielleicht
Episode 31
Episode 31 - Episode 31
Die Feigheit des Löwen
Episode 32 - Die Feigheit des Löwen
Lindholm - The Smooth Death
Episode 33 - Lindholm - The Smooth Dea...
Episode 34
Episode 34 - Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 35 - Episode 35
Das verkaufte Lächeln
Episode 36 - Das verkaufte Lächeln