Episode 1 - Natalia
Release Date: 2021-11-25James Cooke will receive the one and only Natalia for her musical story. And that starts with Nathalie, a little girl who lives in a very large house, where Bach sounds through the rooms and father's will is law.
Episode 2 - Jani Kazaltzis
Release Date: 2021-12-02This is the musical story of little Jani who grew up in Waterschei, a typical city near the Genk coal mines. A real mama's child, as it turns out when Jani has to search for himself and a new relationship with his parents during his adolescent years. His fear of disappointing people, especially his father, gives him a difficult period. And its lively nightlife also provides the most amazing adventures. But his search for himself also pays off and, together with his passion for styling, he breaks through on Flemish television. A musical encounter with Jani's family, colleagues and friends who all love him very much.
Episode 3 - Niels Destadsbader
Release Date: 2021-12-09This musical shows the life of Niels Destadsbader
Episode 4 - Magriet Hermans
Release Date: 2021-12-16This musical shows the life of Magriet Hermans
Episode 5 - Philippe Geubels
Release Date: 2021-12-23This musical shows the life of Philippe Geubels
Episode 6 - the Pfaffs family
Release Date: 2021-12-30This musical shows the lives of the Pfaffs family
Episode 7 - Willy Sommers
Release Date: 2022-01-06This musical shows the life of Willy Sommers
Episode 8 - Gert Verhulst
Release Date: 2022-01-13This musical shows the life of Gert Verhulst
Episode 9 - Compilation
Release Date: 2022-01-20