704 Hauser (1994)

704 Hauser is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from April to May 1994. A spin-off of All in the Family, the series is built around the concept of a black family, the Cumberbatches, moving into the former Queens home of Archie Bunker years after Bunker had sold the house. The All in the Family character Joey Stivic, Archie's grandson, makes a cameo in the first episode.

  • Norman Lear

Release Date: 1994-04-11
Seasons: 1
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 30
Lauren Tom
Lauren Tom
Maura Tierney
Maura Tierney
Cherlyn Markowitz
Casey Siemaszko
Casey Siemasz...
Gregory Sierra
Gregory Sierr...
John Amos
John Amos
Ernie Cumberbatch
T.E. Russell
T.E. Russell
Thurgood Marshall "Goodie" Cumberbatch
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