Land of Tanabata (2024)
Yoji Minamimaru, known as Nanmaru, is a university student with a supernatural ability to create small holes in anything. One day, Yoji finds out that the professor of folklore studies has gone missing. Together with his classmates, he decides to search for the professor.
Episode 1 - The Telekinetic
Release Date: 2024-07-04Nanmaru, a student with a unique power, finds out that his professor has gone missing.
Episode 2 - Marukami Village
Release Date: 2024-07-04Nanmaru and the other students head to Marukami Village to search for the missing professor.
Episode 3 - Within Reach
Release Date: 2024-07-04Emi keeps searching for the missing professor, while Nanmaru and the others return to Tokyo.
Episode 4 - New Skills Development Seminar
Release Date: 2024-07-11Nanmaru debuts as a lecturer, while Emi edges closer to the truth of the Tanabata Festival.
Episode 5 - The Gouger
Release Date: 2024-07-11Nanmaru starts a new business venture and Sachiko, now in Tokyo, tries to stop Takashi.
Episode 6 - Fundamentally Secret
Release Date: 2024-07-18While Sachiko tells Nanmaru about her past, trucks and airplanes vanish in Tokyo causing a frenzy.
Episode 7 - Marching Forward
Release Date: 2024-07-18Tokyo plunges into chaos as Nanmaru tries to rescue the kidnapped Aki, facing his own power.
Episode 8 - Power From Outside
Release Date: 2024-07-25Nanmaru and the others head to Marukami Village to stop Yoriyuki.
Episode 9 - A Gift from Kasasagi
Release Date: 2024-08-01Tensions in the village reach a climax as Yoriyuki's true intentions are revealed.
Episode 10 - The Festival
Release Date: 2024-08-08Mount Marukami's summit binds all mysteries, urging Nanmaru and Sachiko to confront their destinies.