Pillow Talk (2023)

"Makura Kotoba" is a Japanese short drama series produced by CBC Television. Airing over eight consecutive nights from March 20 to March 27, 2023, each 15-minute episode explores intimate "pillow talk" scenarios between two characters in various relational contexts. The series delves into the nuances of human relationships through conversations and internal monologues, offering a mix of comedic, suspenseful, and heartfelt narratives.

Release Date: 2023-03-20
Seasons: 1
  • Country: JP
  • Language: 日本語
Sae Miyazawa
Sae Miyazawa
Mikoto Hibi
Mikoto Hibi
Tsubone Yuto
Tsubone Yuto
Akana Ikeda
Akana Ikeda
Yoshikawa Satsuki
Takuma Isawa
Takuma Isawa
Yoshida Daiki
Adachi Suguru
Adachi Suguru
Nishikawa Masahiro
Erika Denya
Erika Denya
Ota Mari
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