High Rollers (2013)

High Rollers is a South African television drama series-turned-telenovela created by Joshua Rous and Luke Rous and produced by Rous House Productions which is an inter-generational family drama set against the backdrop of the glamorous and backstabbing world of gambling.

  • Luke Rous
  • Joshua Rous

Release Date: 2013-04-02
Seasons: 1 2 3
themoviedb icon 8.0/10
  • Country: ZA
  • Language: English
Kate Normington
Kate Normingt...
Antony Coleman
Antony Colema...
David King
Rolanda Marais
Rolanda Marai...
Analine King
Fezile Mpela
Fezile Mpela
TT Mogale
Justin Strydom
Justin Strydo...
Paul King
Carine Rous
Carine Rous
Esme Cilliers
Hayley Owen
Hayley Owen
Thapelo Mokoena
Thapelo Mokoe...
Jakes Xaba
Kaseran Pillay
Kaseran Pilla...
Terence Bridgett
Terence Bridg...
Denton Grootboom
Xolile Tshabalala
Xolile Tshaba...
Gugu Mogale
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