Robot Combat League (2013)

The fusion of a human's fighting spirit with a powerful robotic machine built for destruction has become a reality. This extraordinary series features twelve teams consisting of a fighter (a "robo-jockey") and a robotics engineer (a "robo-tech") from myriad backgrounds including a race car driver, an Olympic athlete, a National Guard helicopter pilot along with a mix of professional fighters and software engineers. Each team is paired with its own unique robot and will fight in a first-of-its kind competition using a high-tech exo-suit that translates their movements to their robot. Each fight consists of three rounds of intense action, with the winning team advancing in the competition.

Release Date: 2013-02-26
Seasons: 1
themoviedb icon 5.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
Ashley Mary Nunes
Ashley Mary N...
Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho
Himself - Host
Chris Irvine
Chris Irvine
Himself - Host
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