The Gadget Show (2004)
The Gadget Show is a British television series which focuses on consumer technology. The show, which is broadcast on Channel 5 is currently presented by Jason Bradbury and Rachel Riley with Jon Bentley and Pollyanna Woodward. Originally a thirty-minute show, it was extended to forty-five minutes, then later to sixty minutes. Repeats have also aired on the digital channel 5*, syndicated broadcasts on Discovery Science and Dave, and Channel 5's Internet on-demand service Demand 5. In Australia, it is aired on The Lifestyle Channel.
Episode 1 - Best Gadgets Ever
Release Date: 2016-10-07What are the greatest gadgets of all time? Is it the Walkman, a microwave, a computer game or something completely different? The team argue for their favourites as they countdown to number one.
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Release Date: 2016-10-14In Sweden, Jon Bentley tests out 360-degree cameras, while Ortis Deeley quizzes the big players who populate Stockholm's answer to Silicon Valley.
Episode 3 - Episode 3
Release Date: 2016-10-21Jon suggests ways to keep hackers at bay, Yue and Ortis investigate the latest 3-D printers and Jason gets on his tech-laden bike to race a Bentley Bentayga.
Episode 4 - Episode 4
Release Date: 2016-10-28The gang run a fine-tooth comb through the dizzying world of dog grooming, Jon weighs up the merits of HDR TV and Ortis checks out some unreal hologram tech.
Episode 5 - Episode 5
Release Date: 2016-11-04Can tech turn out a better wedding cake than Bake Off winner Mark Tilling? Jon Bentley and his tech testers check out the latest camping gear.
Episode 6 - Episode 6
Release Date: 2016-11-11Amy and Jason take on landscaping pros the Benton Brothers, Jon trains his ear on a £100,000 turntable and Ortis tries out Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
Episode 7 - Episode 7
Release Date: 2016-11-18Ortis and Jason hone their survival skills against Aldo Kane, Jon reviews photo apps, and Jason tries to create a device that can pass itself off as human.
Episode 8 - Episode 8
Release Date: 2016-11-25Jason and Jon try to prove that virtual reality can be an accessible pastime, Amy samples a VR-enhanced dining experience, and Ortis explores the surface of Mars.
Episode 9 - Episode 9
Release Date: 2016-12-02Ortis and Amy test the best ice cream-related gadgets, Ortis tries the latest in follow-me drone technology, and Jon gives three flagship smartphones a whirl.
Episode 10 - Episode 10
Release Date: 2016-12-09The team put supposedly indestructible devices to the test.
Episode 11 - Episode 11
Release Date: 2016-12-14Action-packed consumer series. Ortis and Jon showcase the year's best Christmas buys, from student-friendly gifts to those beyond the reach of all but millionaires. Plus, Jason runs the latest toys past discerning schoolchildren, and Amy shows some Dudley office workers how to party, Gadget Show-style.
Episode 12 - Episode 12
Release Date: 2016-12-16Action-packed consumer series. Jason reveals how to cash in on the soaring retro market by flogging those not-so-current gizmos. Jon and Amy try to get more TV entertainment bang for their buck, and Ortis and Jon test brand new mid-range devices against their pre-loved premium equivalents.