Kentucky Top Hat

Greg goes through an old jacket and finds a wedding invitation Kim asked him to give to her friend, Julie Grimes, years ago. Make that ex-friend, since Kim cut Julie off for not showing up at her wedding. Greg worries Kim will think he forgot to deliver it on purpose as he never liked Julie or found her funny, which Kim, Christine -- and Julie -- all did. Christine says he should just show Kim the invitation to clear Julie's name, but he throws it away. It's only after he learns that Julie moved to LA to become a comedienne and Kim sadly feels she has no friends anymore because of what Julie did that Greg decides to pay Miss Grimes a visit to clear her name to her instead. Julie, who was crushed that Kim never invited her, is relieved that she in fact did, and agrees to patch things up -- starting with an invitation to her own wedding that she wants Greg to deliver. But Julie is as unfunny as ever, spouting one catchphrase after another, that he throws her invitation away too. Meanwhil

  • Greg Garcia
  • Alan Kirschenbaum

Release Date: 2000-10-02
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6
TMDb: 6.7/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 22

Other episodes for this season

Who's on First
Episode 1 - Who's on First
Christine's Journey
Episode 2 - Christine's Journey
Guarding Greg
Episode 3 - Guarding Greg
Baby Fight Club
Episode 4 - Baby Fight Club
The Ticket
Episode 5 - The Ticket
Episode 6 - Halloween
The Good Dad
Episode 7 - The Good Dad
Kentucky Top Hat
Episode 8 - Kentucky Top Hat
Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner
Episode 9 - Guess Who's Not Coming to...
Are We There Yet?
Episode 10 - Are We There Yet?
A Complicated Plot (a.k.a. Complicated Plot)
Episode 11 - A Complicated Plot (a.k.a...
One Fish, Two Fish, Dead Fish, Blue Fish
Episode 12 - One Fish, Two Fish, Dead...
You're Out... of Dreams
Episode 13 - You're Out... of Dreams
Favorite Son
Episode 14 - Favorite Son
Walk Like a Man
Episode 15 - Walk Like a Man
Greg's New Friend
Episode 16 - Greg's New Friend
Room for Improvement
Episode 17 - Room for Improvement
Johnny Ampleseed
Episode 18 - Johnny Ampleseed
Dances with Couch
Episode 19 - Dances with Couch
Greg's Promotion
Episode 20 - Greg's Promotion
The Ring
Episode 21 - The Ring
Jimmy's Got Balls
Episode 22 - Jimmy's Got Balls
Vegas Vacation
Episode 23 - Vegas Vacation
Making Baby
Episode 24 - Making Baby