Mongo Wrestling Alliance (2011)
Mongo Wrestling Alliance is an 11-minute animated comedy series which aired on Cartoon Network's late night programming block Adult Swim. Produced by Metalocalypse co-creator Tommy Blacha, the show is set in the world of professional wrestling and features the voices of Pamela Adlon, Tommy Blacha, Will Sasso, Billy West, and Harry Dean Stanton. The series premiered on January 23, 2011 with character designs by Ed Piskor.
Episode 1 - Behold the Mongo Wrestling Alliance
Release Date: 2011-01-23Rusty Kleberkuh graduates college (by force) and becomes a professional wrestler. After working his way through West Valley Championship Wrestling, he's called up to the Mongo Wrestling Alliance where he hopes to avenge his grandfather, long ago betrayed by the MWA's booker.
Episode 2 - To Trap a Giant
Release Date: 2011-01-30The Kleberkuh family and Johnny Dubose both court Rusty's newest find, the gigantic dimwitted hillbilly Booter Lee Bogg.
Episode 3 - Baron vs. Johnny
Release Date: 2011-02-06After meeting in the desert to discuss business, Johnny Dubose and Baron Kleberkuh are mistakenly presumed dead.
Episode 4 - Mongo Mexico
Release Date: 2011-02-13Fat Balthazaar Kleberkuh runs away to Mexico and gets involved with an evil Mexican wrestling cult where the losers hearts are eaten. Rusty has to wrestle a 600 pound midget in order to save him.
Episode 5 - Brianna Beautiful Butt Ballerina
Release Date: 2011-06-19Rusty obsesses over a ballerina and decides to try ballet in order to win her over. Booter Lee Bogg, meanwhile, ponders the idea of a woman who's half goose.
Episode 6 - Presumed Imbecile
Release Date: 2011-06-26Rusty is framed for murder. Balthazaar is his legal counsel during the trial, but they also have a back-up plan to have Stack Johnson intimidate the jury if things don't go their way.
Episode 7 - The Mute Cacophony of Death
Release Date: 2011-07-10The family take on a mutant cult of wrestlers from the swamps of Louisiana.
Episode 8 - Rusty Quits Wrasslin'
Release Date: 2011-07-17Rusty tires of wrestling and attempts to lead a normal life by becoming a health-supplement salesman and moving in with an old girlfriend.
Episode 9 - Stack's Shrimp Frenzy
Release Date: 2011-07-24Stack Johnson opens a seafood restaurant to help pay off his debt to Johnny DuBose.
Episode 10 - Nekro Nurses
Release Date: 2011-07-31Rusty ditches Balthazaar in favor of the Nekro Nurses, so Balthazaar decides to train with a doctor who uses questionable methods.