Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman (2015)
After discovering the existence of demons in Tokyo, the original 00 Cyborg crew led by Dr. Gilmore find themselves in conflict with Devilman, a strong demon believed to be in league with the war-profiteering terrorist organization, Black Ghost. Meanwhile, a bigger threat emerges when Dr. Adams, a Black Ghost scientist unleashes his new line of high-teen 00 Cyborg models against 009 and his friends.
- Shotaro Ishinomori
- Go Nagai
- Tadashi Hayakawa
Episode 1 - Act 1
Release Date: 2015-11-11After the battle with the Mythos Cyborgs, Ivan warns the others of a Devil. Devilman too senses his enemy. The ultimate encounter is about to unfold.
Episode 2 - Act 2
Release Date: 2015-11-18Dr. Gilmore notices animal cells mutating into human cells on Joe’s wounds. Humankind’s worst enemy - humans? Joe and Akira’s fates are yet unknown.
Episode 3 - Act 3
Release Date: 2015-11-25Akira’s search for the abducted Miki Makimura leads to Devilman coming face to face with cybernetic demons generated through a horrifying ritual.