Sports Challenge (2025)
Sports Challenge was a sports-centered game show that aired in weekly syndication from 1971 to 1979, with a separate version that aired briefly on CBS weekends from May 20 to September 9, 1973. Dick Enberg was host. Johnny Gilbert, Art James, and John Harlan announced. The show was taped at the KTLA/Golden West studios in Los Angeles, with the exception of some shows taped at Metromedia Square. The show's theme throughout its run was an instrumental version of The Beatles' "Get Back" by Pat Williams, from his Verve Records album "Heavy Vibrations"; a different theme was briefly used for the 1977–1978 season, but the original theme replaced it for the show's final season.
Episode 1 - Brooklyn Dodgers vs. New York Yankees
Release Date:The Yankees were notorious for belittling the Brooklyn Dodgers in October. This debut episode of Sports Challenge was no different. Brooklyn alumnus Don Drysdale brought the defeat crashing down when he blew a question about the Rams' defensive end Deacon Jones.
Episode 2 - New York Yankees vs. Los Angeles Lakers
Release Date:The Lakers had yet to win an NBA Championship at this time. But on Sports Challenge, they began a dynasty. In only the series' second show, the Purple and Gold began their streak of seven straight wins, which would be the Sports Challenge record until Joe McCarthy's Yankees came along in 1972.
Episode 3 - Los Angeles Lakers vs. Champions of Boxing
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Episode 5 - Los Angeles Lakers vs. San Francisco 49ers
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Episode 6 - Los Angeles Lakers vs. Cincinnati Reds
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Episode 7 - All-Time Great Cincinnati Reds vs. Cleveland Indians
Release Date:Instead of Rose, Bench and Tolan, the birthplace of professional baseball sends three Cincinnati legends to defend the Reds' Sports Challenge crown. They walk all over the Cleveland Indians. No surprise there: Cleveland was in the midst of its four-decade-long misfortune.
Episode 9 - NFL Quarterbacks vs. Chicago Cubs
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Episode 10 - NFL Quarterbacks vs. California Angels
Release Date:The California Angels make their first of many appearances on Sports Challenge. Immediately, the likes of Jim Fregosi and Andy Messerschmidt display the form that their successors would continue in later seasons.
Episode 11 - California Angels vs. Boston Celtics
Release Date:One of the other all-time Sports Challenge favorites, the Boston Celtics, appears for the first time. And yes, Red Auerbach is going to light his cigar. There would be more to come.
Episode 12 - Boston Celtics vs. Washington Senators
Release Date:During their dismal last season of existence, the Washington Senators (A.L.) baseball team makes its only Sports Challenge appearance. Most of the time, manager Ted Williams speaks for the team. That doesn't matter at all to the Celtics, who win their second straight.
Episode 13 - Boston Celtics vs. Green Bay Packers
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Episode 14 - Boston Celtics vs. Washington Redskins
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Episode 16 - Boston Celtics vs. NFL Hall of Famers
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Episode 17 - NFL Hall of Famers vs. Baltimore Orioles
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Episode 20 - NBA Hall of Famers vs. N.Y. Football Giants
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Episode 21 - N.Y. Football Giants vs. Chicago Blackhawks
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Episode 22 - N.Y. Football Giants vs. Los Angeles Rams
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