Robotica (2025)
Robotica is a robot combat show produced for the American television cable channel TLC, a subsidiary of the Discovery Channel. Three seasons of Robotica were produced. The shows first aired in April 2001, with the final season beginning in late 2002. Show hosts for the first season were Ahmet Zappa, Tanika Ray, and Tanya Memme. For the second and third seasons, Dan Danknick replaced Tanika Ray.
Season 2 Episode List
Episode 1 - Zero, KaNuckle Buster, The Killa Gorilla, Tetanus
Release Date:Episode Winner: The Killa Gorilla
Episode 2 - Fintastic!, Scarab, TakaTakaTak, Flexy-Flyer
Release Date:Episode Winner: Flexy-Flyer
Episode 3 - Metalmorphis, Skewer Rat, Armorgeddon, Kraken
Release Date:Episode Winner: Armorgeddon
Episode 4 - Whyatica, Jav Man, InTriVerter, Deb Bot
Release Date:Episode Winner: Deb Bot
Episode 5 - Ill-Tempered Mutt, The Wizard of Sawz, Shannonagains, Mechacidal Maniac
Release Date:Episode Winner: Ill-Tempered Mutt
Episode 6 - Son of a Monkey's Wrench, BotZilla!, Northern Fury, Thor Revision 3 Final
Release Date:Episode Winner: BotZilla!
Episode 7 - Championship
Release Date:The Killa Gorilla Flexy-Flyer Armorgeddon Deb Bot Ill-Tempered Mutt BotZilla! Series Champion:Flexy-Flyer