Giovanni di Lorenzo

In the second episode, Frank Elstner meets Zeit editor-in-chief Giovanni di Lorenzo in Berlin. Just in time for the new issue, it is of course about Germany's most successful weekly newspaper, but also about the man behind it who scolds himself that it is difficult to read his newspaper in bed or on the train. How much is Die Zeit affected by the Relotius case and the "lies press" propaganda? Giovanni di Lorenzo doesn't just have answers. With Frank Elstner he discusses abuse in the Catholic Church, populism and wrong political rulers. Did you know that it is easier to get an interview with the Pope than with Helene Fischer? Well, Giovanni di Lorenzo should know.

  • Frank Elstner

Release Date: 2019-04-24
Seasons: 1 2
TMDb: 5.6/10
  • Country: DE
  • Language: Deutsch

Other episodes for this season

Jan Böhmermann
Episode 1 - Jan Böhmermann
Giovanni di Lorenzo
Episode 2 - Giovanni di Lorenzo
Herbert Grönemeyer
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Helene Fischer
Episode 4 - Helene Fischer